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G400 Kingpin Demo Benchmarks

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  • G400 Kingpin Demo Benchmarks

    For the most part, I stuck with the "Planet Kingpin" conventions with respect to high and low settings. Low: fog off, shadows off, painskins low, props off, texture quality low. High: fog on, shadows auto, painskins high, props on, texture quality high. My one deviation was with shadows, which I set on auto during the high settings tests. The timedemo wouldn't run with it on.

    G400 32 Mb (Retail), PIII 500 MHz, 384 Mb RAM, AOpen AX6BC. Sound was disabled, and, I believe, OpenGL Vsync is disabled by default.

    800x600/16-bit Low: 55.5, 57.2, 57.2
    800x600/16-bit High: 43.3, 44.6, 44.6
    1024x768/16-bit Low: 50.1, 51.6, 51.7
    1024x768/16-bit High: 40.5, 41.7, 41.7

    800x600/32-bit Low: 54.4, 56.1, 56.1
    800x600/32-bit High: 42.8, 43.9, 44.0
    1024x768/32-bit Low: 48.0, 49.3, 49.3
    1024x768/32-bit High: 39.1, 40.0, 40.1

    Fog was the killer setting. You could keep the bells and whistles on or set to high, with the exception of fog, and get some impressive numbers. Again, shadows was set to auto.

    800x600/32-bit High/Fog off: 53.3, 55.2, 55.3
    1027x768/32-bit High/Fog off: 46.1, 47.5, 47.5

    These marks were achieved using the Demo and not the full game.

    Kingpin is a new game, and it appears to be a fair bit more demanding than Quake II. The expression "future proof" has become part of the hardware vernacular, and has been used extensively to describe the MAX. While I doubt a "future proof" computer part will ever exist, I believe these scores are another clue to the board being, at the very least, "present proof."


  • #2
    So what kind of test this Kingpin timedemo is? Is it like Crusher or like demo1?
    What I'm trying to say is that is there lot of action (gangsters and so on) or is it just like a walk on the park?


    [This message has been edited by Micko (edited 07-07-99).]


    • #3
      I believe Kingpin is a Quake2 engine game, which, I believe, utilizes larger textures and more effects than Q2. It doesn't pretend to simulate a deathmatch situation, but I wouldn't call it a walk through the park either.

      With the low settings enabled, scores appear comparible to the Massive demo. Maybe a bit lower.


