alright so i want to overlock my Millenium G200 8 mb. i have been thru the MURC page and found 2 ultilities, PowerStrip, and MatroxOverlocker. with powerstrip i am only able to increase the memory clock and with matrox overlocker i can only change the core clock. how do i know if i have indeed overlocked and at what settings? powerstrip reports a diffrent core clock than what i have set using the MatroxOverclocker.
my real question is are there any utilities out there that let me adjust BOTH the core clock AND the memory clock at the same time? right now i am unsure if i have overlocked at all. any info appreciated.
my real question is are there any utilities out there that let me adjust BOTH the core clock AND the memory clock at the same time? right now i am unsure if i have overlocked at all. any info appreciated.