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Q3 Screen Shot Comparison

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  • Q3 Screen Shot Comparison

    Here it is again. Back by popular demand All shots are labled and taken at 1028x768, reduced to 640x480 for posting.


    [This message has been edited by ALBPM (edited 06-26-99).]
    "Never interfere with the enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself"

  • #2
    No voodoo3 screenshot yet, Agent mail yours to Paul, ON THE DOUBLE!

    Slow PC, 14" Monitor, Clean desk, Windows98SE, Windows2000b3, BeOSr4.


    • #3
      Ya, what Hunsow said. Come on Agent send it over ICQ.


      Fairly fast PC, 21" Monitor, Can't find my Friggin desk, Windows98
      "Never interfere with the enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself"


      • #4
        Man, my jaw nearly broke when it hit the ground.

        The hi-res shot of the G400 is really something to behold. The detail on the rail-gun is just incredible.


        • #5
          You think the screenshot is good, you should see it in motion

          P2-350(@103*4=412), Asus P2B(1009), 128meg PC100, MillG400 32meg(PD5.20.???), CL SB Live!Value, CL PC-DVD, Mitsumi CD-R, WD UDMA 8.4&6.4 gig, (2)USR 56k(multilinked), 3Com 905B-TX, etc...

          Core2 Duo E7500 2.93, Asus P5Q Pro Turbo, 4gig 1066 DDR2, 1gig Asus ENGTS250, SB X-Fi Gamer ,WD Caviar Black 1tb, Plextor PX-880SA, Dual Samsung 2494s


          • #6
            OK ladies, keep your panties on... the chances of me seeing you lot online is very slim.

            Grab 'em yourselves

            <a href=""></a>
            Agent. Copyright © 1998-99 Agent. All rights reserved.


            • #7
              Ok, I've added a V3-3000 screenshot. I have the shot I needed thanks to Joel, for sending 0004 to me.


              [This message has been edited by ALBPM (edited 06-24-99).]
              "Never interfere with the enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself"


              • #8
                wow, my screenies are hot property trust me when I say that shot doesn't do it justice. I'll send ALBPM a non-gamma ****ed up version. The problem is my monitor is tweaked for graphic design, not gaming, thus the gamma and colour temps always look funky in screenshots. I'll be getting a new monitor soon (a ViewSonic PT755) so hopefully my next screenies will be more indicative of what it really looks like.

                Gawd, listen to me, I'm sticking up for 3dfx again!

                the card is crap, the card is crap, the card is crap... c'mon Agent, BELIEVE! hehe

                Changing the subject, did you guys happen to read 3dfx's press release? V3 is outselling all other 2.5 generation cards by 450% in retail outlets, what I wanna know is, WHY? it's not that much cheaper... I guess 3dfx still has a name that the less dedicated users easily recognise as 'performance'.

                [This message has been edited by Agent (edited 06-24-99).]
                Agent. Copyright © 1998-99 Agent. All rights reserved.


                • #9
                  OK folks, a more accurate and up-to-date voodoo3 shot is on here now...

                  Celeron 300A @ 464, BH6(KG), 128MB Corsair CAS2 PC100, Voodoo3 3000 (166), SBLive!Value, 4.3GB + 8.4GB Fireball CRs, 10Mb Netgear NIC, Internal ZIP100, Sidewinder Freestyle Pro
                  Agent. Copyright © 1998-99 Agent. All rights reserved.


                  • #10
                    Just added a Permedia 3 screen shot from a reveiw which you can find here:

                    Hopefully they will send me a shot to match the others.

                    "Never interfere with the enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself"


                    • #11
                      NOYB2, I can't even see the difference between the Hercules and the g400's Railgun detail.


                      Asus P2B-F, 496MHZ Pentium II (4x124!!), Global Win VEK12 hs/fan, 128MB Micron PC133, Maxtor 4GB, SB AWE 32, Creative DVD 2x, Mitsumi CDR 2x/8x, Sony Trinitron 17", Old Matrox Video Card, and a redhead with a pair of 36Cs (O/Ced to 38Cs)


                      • #12
                        Thanks to Dave over at SystemLogic I now have the screen shot needed. Man, those guys are fast over there. They are also the ONLY site to post any info on Permedia 3.

                        "Never interfere with the enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself"


                        • #13
                          The railgun detail is very nice on the Herc as well.

                          However, take a look at the ramp leading to the railgun on the TNT2. Blurry as heck.

                          Tsk, tsk so close to be perfect.


                          • #14
                            What you observed are the number of rendering or Mip Map levels. The G200 for instance has only 5 levels and like the TNT2, the path looses detail after a short distance. The G400 supports 11 levels and will show more detail at a greater distance than the G200 or TNT2 cards.
                            The ATI card looks great but look at the clouds just below the 'ATI' where I labeled the shot. Do you see the texture, a kind of cross-hatch(xxxx). Then look around the rest of the image and you will notice how that texture is everywhere. Almost like a 16bit texture instead of 32bit.

                            "Never interfere with the enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself"


                            • #15
                              I took a good look at the shots and I can also see the blurry ramp of the TNT2 and G200 that NOYB2 was referring to; but I also notice what seems to be a lower level of color in the G400 shots compared to both the TNT2 and the G200. The TNT2 just looks more lush. Taking this into consideration, I think the TNT2 comes out on top in this one...

                              AMD-k6 350
                              Millienium G200 AGP
                              Azza Motherboard
                              8.4G Maxtor

                              Millenium G200 8 Meg (SDRAM) 2.6 - 20 bios; 350 AMD K6-2 on a VIA MVP3 with latest bios; 128 Meg SDRAM; 8.4 Maxtor;

