Here they are:
First we'll begin with Quake 2 and QPong mod, map qpong1. After some testing with gl_ext_palettedtextures, I got miscolored textures. Vid_restart fixed them though. <a href="">[Image 1 from QPong]</a> <a href="">[Image 2 from QPong]</a>.
Here's my video config what I was using at that time:
640x480x16bit windowed
gl_picmip 1, gl_playermip 1, gl_texturemode GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST, gl_ext_palettedtexture 0, gl_swapinterval 0, gl_ext_pointparameters 0, gl_ext_multitexture 0, gl_ext_swapinterval 1, gl_ext_compiled_vertex_array 1, gl_vertex_arrays 0, gl_texturesolidmode default, gl_texturealphamode default, gl_dynamic 1, gl_finish 0, gl_shadows 0, gl_modulate 3.5, vid_fullscreen 0
Another one is testing with Tribes and 1.6 patch which should contain new OpenGL code to speed up the action. But as before (ICDb1 and ICDb2), corrupted and miscolored textures were appearing all over playfield. Here are the screenshots: <a href="">[My config]</a> <a href="">[Ingame shot 1]</a> <a href="">[Ingame shot 2]</a> <a href="">[Ingame shot 3]</a> <a href="">[Ingame shot 4]</a> <a href="">[Ingame shot 5]</a>
So, what I and many other G200 users would like to know is that are these (and many more texture related) problems going to be addressed in 5.20.xx release of PowerDesk?
-Tumu, in happy mood after some serious and successful network and system work.
Celeron 333 (not overclocked), GigaByte 6BXE Intel 440BX AGPset Mobo (bios v3.0),
64MB PC100 RAM, G200 8MB SGRAM (not overclocked, bios v1.6), PD5.13.020, SB16 Value,
3COM Fast EtherLink XL, Sony Multiscan 100ES, Win95OSR2.1 finnish
First we'll begin with Quake 2 and QPong mod, map qpong1. After some testing with gl_ext_palettedtextures, I got miscolored textures. Vid_restart fixed them though. <a href="">[Image 1 from QPong]</a> <a href="">[Image 2 from QPong]</a>.
Here's my video config what I was using at that time:
640x480x16bit windowed
gl_picmip 1, gl_playermip 1, gl_texturemode GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST, gl_ext_palettedtexture 0, gl_swapinterval 0, gl_ext_pointparameters 0, gl_ext_multitexture 0, gl_ext_swapinterval 1, gl_ext_compiled_vertex_array 1, gl_vertex_arrays 0, gl_texturesolidmode default, gl_texturealphamode default, gl_dynamic 1, gl_finish 0, gl_shadows 0, gl_modulate 3.5, vid_fullscreen 0
Another one is testing with Tribes and 1.6 patch which should contain new OpenGL code to speed up the action. But as before (ICDb1 and ICDb2), corrupted and miscolored textures were appearing all over playfield. Here are the screenshots: <a href="">[My config]</a> <a href="">[Ingame shot 1]</a> <a href="">[Ingame shot 2]</a> <a href="">[Ingame shot 3]</a> <a href="">[Ingame shot 4]</a> <a href="">[Ingame shot 5]</a>
So, what I and many other G200 users would like to know is that are these (and many more texture related) problems going to be addressed in 5.20.xx release of PowerDesk?
-Tumu, in happy mood after some serious and successful network and system work.

Celeron 333 (not overclocked), GigaByte 6BXE Intel 440BX AGPset Mobo (bios v3.0),
64MB PC100 RAM, G200 8MB SGRAM (not overclocked, bios v1.6), PD5.13.020, SB16 Value,
3COM Fast EtherLink XL, Sony Multiscan 100ES, Win95OSR2.1 finnish