this is strange... no matter what settings I try, whether it be manual or auto, I still get visual tearing in q3test. I've tried setting r_swapinterval to 1 and 2 and such and still there is tearing. The menu option to enable vsync does nothing either... the tearing still exists. Changing the powerdesk registry settings for vsync is useless too since it only applies for directx anyway. For 3dfx cards to enable/disable vsync you have to set an environment variable before you even start a game. I know some people don't care about the tearing much less notice it, but I've been using vsync since the voodoo1 came out and it annoys the hell out of me to have it disabled. Does anyone else notice this too or have a clue why this is so? It's especially noticable in quake3 so far... I'm beginning to think quake2 does the same also, but the framerate is so high it's hard to tell. Something this obvious leads me to beleive vsync is probably broken in the g400 ICD... hmmm. Either that or I'm hallucinating... hehehe
