I picked up the game pretty cheap and was hoping it would be somewhat close to Janes WW2 fighters in detail but it looks aweful. I've installed the latest patch so at least it uses my G400 but when I check my monitor it's running at 640x480. Is there any registry hacks to get it to at least 800x600 or higher? I hate to see my new G400 look so ugly, thanks for any help.
ASUS P2B(1010),P3 450,G400 vanilla DH,ASUS 50X,128mb PC100,Mitsumi CDR,Iomega Zip,IBM 10 HDD,SB Live,Win98
ASUS P2B(1010),P3 450,G400 vanilla DH,ASUS 50X,128mb PC100,Mitsumi CDR,Iomega Zip,IBM 10 HDD,SB Live,Win98