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Problem = Quake 2 and the G400

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  • Problem = Quake 2 and the G400

    I just received several G400's (singles & duals) and want to do a little gaming with em, of course. I have 2 machines set up .. both are virtualy identical-- PIII-500's running on Asus P3-B Mainboards with Creative PCI128 sound cards. I'm having the same problem with both ...... a lock-up occurs just when entering the game(as the map finishes loading) ..... I'm stumped

    #2 also, while in play the are nasty modem disconnects displayed .. i'm showing a good receive with a bad send (developed after installing the card) .. it is worse, when i'm successful, in OPEN GL ... this is new also (previous card was a G-200 without problem)(i have the frame rate capped at 35)

    I have installed the 5.15 power desk .. same results ..
    System = Celeron400 O/C'd-->502, AsusP3-Bf Mainboard, 96MB 8ns SDRAM (same manufacturer/same speed for both chips, G400 Dual, SB PCI128, Asus50X, 8GB WD HDD, Creative 56K Modem Blaster, Enlight 3Fan Enclosure, 17" Relisys TE786, Windows 98 SE

  • #2
    A lot of people are having lockup problems with OpenGL and D3D games when using the G400. I bet your freezes in Quake2 occur in other 3D games as well.

    Try forcing AGP 1X through the registry. That seems to be the most commonly accepted solution until new drivers come out that address the AGP 2X issue. There is a PD 5.x registry hack that can be downloaded from the matrox users resource centre to help you through the registry change.


    Celeron 333 o/c to 416MHz, 128MB RAM (non-ECC), Asus P2B mobo @ 83MHz (BIOS: 1010 beta 6), AGP = 2/3 BUS speed, 256MB AGP Graphics Aperture, G400 SH 32MB (PD 5.13), SB Live! Value sound card (SB LiveWare 2.1), CTX PR711 monitor, USB Intellimouse, Kenwood TrueX 42X CD-ROM drive, Quantum Fireball ST 6.4 & 4.3GB HDs, PCI Network Card, Internal 56k Modem. Win98 (1st ed.), DirectX 6.1, etc. Running the desktop at 1280x1024 32-bit resolution (85Hz). No IRQ conflicts.

    My system specs: Celeron 333MHz; 128MB PC-100 SDRAM; Asus P2B Mainboard (66MHz bus & AGP speed); CTX PR711 Monitor (desktop 1280x1024 32-bit @ 85Hz); Matrox G400 SH 32MB (PD 5.25); Sound Blaster Live! Value (LiveWare 2.1); generic PCI network card; generic 56k ISA modem; USB Intellimouse; Quantum Fireball ST Hard Drives (6.4GB & 4.3GB); Windows 98 (not SE); DirectX 7.0; etc.

