In the initial screen with "Lucas Arts"...
Lettering is extremely fuzzy and blue. With Voodoo 2, lettering is white. Then with the demo screen with the X wing following and shooting down the Ties...the flying rocks are Green and the X wing is blue. 3D detail is grainy and almost all colors are way off! Not too much of a concern at this point, I have finished the game and are only on the extra levels, anyway! Once I am finished, it's a gonner and so is the Voodoo 2.
Lettering is extremely fuzzy and blue. With Voodoo 2, lettering is white. Then with the demo screen with the X wing following and shooting down the Ties...the flying rocks are Green and the X wing is blue. 3D detail is grainy and almost all colors are way off! Not too much of a concern at this point, I have finished the game and are only on the extra levels, anyway! Once I am finished, it's a gonner and so is the Voodoo 2.