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new drivers 40% DECREASE in Q3!

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  • new drivers 40% DECREASE in Q3!

    Haha. I guess someone made a typo when Matrox said there would be a 40% increase in OpenGL perfromance with these drivers. I installed the new ones (after properly uninstalling the old ones.) reset the system and jumped into Q3. I tested Q3 before using 1024x768 all 32bit settings, trilinear on, all settings as high as I can crank'em. My old score was 23.8 using demo1. My new score is 14.4! I must be doing something wrong but I'd love to hear what other people are finding out.

    I also get strange graphics errors and colors if I don't restart Q3 after making a change in color depths.

    This is major league disappointment for me as I want my G400 for Q3 gaming.

  • #2
    I just went back and played around some more. I set Q3 down to what I normally play with online and that's 800x600 and 16bit color (just for that max fps) and it was totally unplayable. It was choppy beyond belief. It looks like I'll be going back to the old drivers.


    • #3
      Working fine here at 1152x864 32-bit color.

      Byron Hinson
      Microsoft MVP
      Byron Hinson
      Microsoft MVP


      • #4
        Allan2 have you tried the new drivers with any other games?
        Asus P2B-DS (v1010) Dual P2 450, 128 MB Corsair PC100 Cas2, Seagate 9.1 Gig Cheetah 39102LW LVD, G200 8 MB SGRAM, SB 128 PCI, Hollywood Plus DVD Decoder, 3Com 905B-TX, Sony 5x DVD, Yamaha CRW 4216. Samsung SH2204 4 Port 10/100 Hub. Altec Lansing ADA 305 Speakers, Running NT4 Server Enterprise w/ SP5.

        Asus P3B-F (bios v1003A) P3 500 O/C 500x120 600 MHz. 128 MB Corsair PC133. IBM 18 gig GXP, G400 Max, SB Live, 3com 905B-TX, Sony 5x DVD, Klipsch Pro Media v2 400 Speakers. Running Win98 SE.


        • #5
          I went back and did a full re-install of the drivers following Matrox's method to the letter. Still no change. I can't figure this out at all. What happened?


          • #6
            You´re not alone.


            [This message has been edited by Nuno (edited 09-01-1999).]


            • #7
              Did you switch off vsync? In the 5.13 icd it was always disabled, now it's probably enabled by default.


              • #8
                oh dear

                I wish I could be shouting their praises - there are a few reports of increased Q2 performance...

                maybe we'll all wake up to realise they posted the wrong version :/



                • #9
                  hehe, Quake 2 Increased Reports?

                  I'm a fan of Quake 2 and for me It went from 67 FPS (1024x768x32) down to 30!!!!!!!

                  SO!!!!!!! What is happening here??!!

                  Pentium III 450 oc' 558 FSB-124 Soyo 6BA+III
                  G400 Oc 145-195, 256 Meg SDRAM 8ns.
                  SoundBlaster Live!.

                  Any ideas?


                  • #10
                    I just got the new drivers last night, and I don't notice any speed difference in Q3, but the rocket explosions and muzzle flares are all screwed up. I get big diamonds around explosions, octagons around plasma blasts, and a giant circle around the muzzle of my machine gun whne I fire.
                    Anyone else getting this?


                    • #11
                      Following ant's advice i used the vsync disable reg hack and I got nice n' tasty frames after that. 52 fps in crusher @1024.
                      Keep in minf that is with a custom cfg.
                      You may Bitch but I'm the master.


                      • #12
                        And what CPU are you using to get those 52 fps?

