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Ees/Ant: Is it possible to send new Seti members an email from MURC - so that when they join they get a welcome from MURC and links to the site/forum - I suppose most people who join us will have visited but maybe not know about or have noticed the forum.
One of the problems Seti faces is that people install, join team 'x', decide it's crap ("5 hours and only 20% done!") then forget about Seti.
Just a small privacy issue to deal with but I assume the group founder can view people's email addresses?
Does anyone think that this would be an annoyance to receive a welcome mail?
Paul.Meet Jasmine.
This is a great idea! SteveC (founder) can view all e-mail addresses! If he will do it he should add links to the forum, Ees and your site! I think it would realy boost the interest of new members!
Join the MURC SETI team! | SETI @ MURCAccording to the latest official figures, 43% of all statistics are totally worthless...
That's the links I was meaning Guru! Hope you haven't been reading my mind! And Martin's stats page of course.
I'm not saying anything about Magnetic Field but I'm sure that there will have been people in the past that have lost interest - I probably would have done as well had it not been for the forums - it was back in the days before this forum that I got interested in it again. Anyway, enough of me!
How's about it Ant/Steve? btw, where is Steve - has he moved to greener pastures or busy with a job? I was reminiscing in the old threads and noticed that he posted a few times back then - why/when did he stop?
Paul.Meet Jasmine.