I've got a P3 cA2 at 6.5x124, RAM at 2-2-2.
The run of the mill WU: 2.849 TeraFLOPs Angle Range 0.417 it does in 4h 40m.
Rule of thumb is, the lower the TeraFLOPs and the higher the Angle Range, the faster it goes and vice versa.
Once in a while I get a WU at 2.41/42/43 TeraFLOPs at an extremely low Angle Range eg. 0.032/0.01 or thereabouts. This unit will take 6h 15m.
On my P3 cB0 at 7.5x138, RAM at 2-2-2 where the average WU runs at 4h 0m, the forementioned "difficult" WU actually runs a few minutes faster than the average.
Ponder, ponder....any ideas?
Imagine a SetiQueue that intelligently distributes WUs depending on hardware configuration.
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The run of the mill WU: 2.849 TeraFLOPs Angle Range 0.417 it does in 4h 40m.
Rule of thumb is, the lower the TeraFLOPs and the higher the Angle Range, the faster it goes and vice versa.
Once in a while I get a WU at 2.41/42/43 TeraFLOPs at an extremely low Angle Range eg. 0.032/0.01 or thereabouts. This unit will take 6h 15m.
On my P3 cB0 at 7.5x138, RAM at 2-2-2 where the average WU runs at 4h 0m, the forementioned "difficult" WU actually runs a few minutes faster than the average.
Ponder, ponder....any ideas?
Imagine a SetiQueue that intelligently distributes WUs depending on hardware configuration.
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