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SETI Error

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  • SETI Error

    My SETI started got and error "Fatal error 1" or something like that. The point is my machine is left alone for days (I went to another project but left my machine crunching) and sometimes I go check it and discover that crunch has stopped.
    What is this error ? Since that time I descend from 96 to 99 place

  • #2
    Error 1 is connection error, either no respons from server or server dropped partway in the connection.
    Berkeley's outgoing seti@home-connection is swamped, and therefore it's difficult to connect to the servers.

    The connection-problem will get better then all must upgrade to the new 3.03-clients.

    In the meantime, you can try either some caching software for seti@home, or use your own batch-files.


    • #3
      Yes, but what used to happen when there was a connectction problem it would retry later. Can't it be something else ?


      • #4
        The same things hapen if berkley already thinks it has recived the wu!

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        • #5
          If the server has got the result already, you should get error 66. With dual result, the client will disregard the result and get a new wu if you don't run with some special switch.
          If seti@home doesn't get any respons at all from server, the client will retry again in an hour.
          I think Error 1 is happening then the client has got the initial respons that it found a server, but doesn't get any second respons after uploading result/trying to get new wu.

          Depending on that connection problem, the client can be trying again in an hour, or exit to the os. Of course, it can be something different giving you error 1, but most likely it's due to the swamped seti@home-server. Before X-mas it's probably a larger problem, since many is filling their caches.

