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To those who have joined Genome!

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  • To those who have joined Genome!


  • #2
    If this version allows me to shut down my PC without losing my work my production will increase (or rather, begin)

    I've been strugling with setting up my 'old' Katmai 500 as a secondary system, it should be up this weekend, provided I can get the network going.
    "That's right fool! Now I'm a flying talking donkey!"

    P4 2.66, 512 mb PC2700, ATI Radeon 9000, Seagate Barracude IV 80 gb, Acer Al 732 17" TFT


    • #3
      You guys need your own GeNome thread. This is the seti thread.

      I wasn't born, I was created.
      What the hell are we doing in the middle of the desert?


      • #4
        What the hell are we doing in the middle of the desert?


        • #5
          What? I think this is the Genome thread - in the Seti forum admittedly though...

          [This message has been edited by Pace (edited 16 February 2001).]
          Meet Jasmine.


          • #6
            Well, I have atleast one result waiting for uploading. I only tested 25 minutes before terminating. Then I connected and restarted, it got a new wu but didn't upload the result.

            I'm currently chugging along on my longest wu yet. It's markedly faster than with the previous client. It seems my speed now is around 1,1h/wu, compared to 1,75h/wu before.

            BTW, down to 24.


            • #7
              Yeah, I wish that they would implant a "upload all results" function in the next version, this way isn't that great, although I have to that I'm impresed by the fact that you can do a lot of work with only one download.

              I haven't seen a speed increase, but it may be because I have such a big WU... Is there anyway to tell? the AA sequence length perhaps?

              Don't worry about the positions, we'll get back up quite quickly. It's that the WU get so long to process and we're so few that our total WUs don't change for a day or so. I should upload overnight, and my buddies should begin uploading tomorrow.



              • #8
                I'm sorry to say that I'm defecting from Genome@home back to SETI, as a friend of mine has issued a challenge I have to take up
                "That's right fool! Now I'm a flying talking donkey!"

                P4 2.66, 512 mb PC2700, ATI Radeon 9000, Seagate Barracude IV 80 gb, Acer Al 732 17" TFT


                • #9

                  My teammates were whinning about the lack of competition in the team... This won't help!

                  Come on now, we need to have some more supporters! There's gotta be someone that believes that this project is more useful than Seti (sorry guys, but I know more humains than aliens ).



                  • #10
                    For the calculations I've supposed the wu-result is linearly with aa-length. Since the 30 wu-returned contains 100 amino-acids, a 75 aa contains 30wu*0,75=22,5wu
                    If it takes 25 hours to complete, you get 25h/22,5wu=1,11h/wu.
                    You could see how long one sequence takes and multiply this with 30 to get an estimated finnish-time.

                    As for competition, your teammates can make their own accounts and see if any of them makes it to 10.000 wu before anyone else. The leader has a 2.900 head-start.
                    Another is to get MatroxUsers to 100.000 wu before any other group.


                    • #11
                      Got it for the stats, I downloaded GenomeVoyeur in order to help me with all that counting!

                      As for the competition part, I guess it's us vs. the world, and we're going pretty well in 217th place.

                      It sure would be nice if other MU clansmen got into this too, since MatroxUsers is now in 19th position overall. People are really getting into the project though, and we won't stay there for long .

                      Ok, enough whining, time to let the computer crunch!


                      EDIT: got at least one typo

                      [This message has been edited by -=Narcissus=- (edited 18 February 2001).]


                      • #12
                        Too little oops'ies

                        Fred: The little <a href="">link</a>!

                        Rattledagger: I don't know how I missed your mention of 0.91, I've seen it now

                        And now for my main point!.

                        Q. Why the hell is my current WU not finished?

                        A. Because Genome restarted it!

                        Yes, after unsuccesfully attempting to reach the server 5 times, it decided to restart the work! Not too happy about that

                        But my other systems are back up and on Seti now

                        Meet Jasmine.


                        • #13

                          It doesn't matter that the work restarted, because you'll get another kind of protein AND you'll be rewarded for both. Now you are going to keep crunching G@H on at least one machine?!?


                          • #14
                            Ok, I am lost!

                            So I can crunch and send two different sets of results from the one download? How long can this go on for? Can I keep crunching indefinately? Is there any specific work in a WU?

                            I'm away back to the site to see for now

                            (oh, and I've been running my P2-350 24/7 on Genome since I first brought it up - and I only have 1 protein?)

                            My P3 and Celeron are running Seti.

                            Meet Jasmine.


                            • #15
                              <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size="2">From the G@H FAQ (What's new) :
                              Caching - If you can't connect to the Genome@home server (it's down, or you're offline) when it's time to deposit finished work, you'll get a few PutWork error messages. After twenty minutes, Genome@home will give up, store the results on disk, and rerun the work units you've already got. Since the results are different each time Genome@home runs, this is completely equivalent to downloading brand new work units. The client will continue rerunning work units (potentially for weeks, if you're on vacation or something) until it is able to connect to the server, at which time it will upload all the results to the server, and you will get credit for the total of all the work units processed.
                              Got to admit that it's pretty cool eh?
                              You're creating something and not analysing. G@H just uses the same "info" to do something new. *So*, you could put this on a non-interneted machine and run for a month or two and then ship the results to your other machine for uploading.

                              As for the time, it's true that it takes a lot of time to process, and I've have up to 45hrs. Don't worry, your efforts are calculated in the score since the points are influenced by the amino acid (AA or protein) length. And it's a good way for them to keep the servers unclogged!


                              [This message has been edited by -=Narcissus=- (edited 18 February 2001).]

