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Genome counting backwards

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  • Rattledagger
    Well, if you stop the client before the first sequence is done, it will always get a new wu. It's programmed to do this, since the programmers is supposing all stops before first save is a crash of the client due to problems with the input-files.

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  • Jorden
    As a matter of fact, they will punish you for uploading two of the same units. Checking Guru's link to OCN (a place he's hanging out too much and is linking too much to in my opinion ) Stefan tells of these duplicates and that they will be deducted again if found.

    But usually when you reboot just after a download, without having crunched at least one sequence, the next time you start ghclient or filter it will start a new download. I haven't got a clue as to why either...


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  • Sisyfos
    No dual, just my home computer.
    Only irregularity was, I had just finished a gene and it was downloading. After the download I closed the window and restarted the PC. Back up and starting the client and it started to download AGAIN.
    I didn't think much of it, just concluded I had closed the window too soon before it had calculated the 58 Aa gimmickswhatyamacallit.
    Anyway, even if I had uploaded a duplicate would that draw me back one as a punishment?

    Well, let's see the next update. Maybe their stats are a bit whacked.

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  • Jorden
    Could have been a duplicate. Was it a dual-CPU you crunched one unit on? They might have crunched exactly the same. Or it might have been a unit you had before and the outcome was exactly the same.


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  • Sisyfos
    started a topic Genome counting backwards

    Genome counting backwards

    At the 06:13 PDT update I had 300 units 17 genes.
    At the 09:13 PDT update I had 282 units 16 genes.

    Sorry sir, we had to count you back on one gene. Yes sir, the one with the GRVFVFLEEYTASKEDDLNWQPRTQGVLVDJPGRWLYGQLKYAEIAGIAE RSIMKVLTN in it. It was no good

    Goddamn no good pr0n site, fuXX0ring my 733t CPU cycles. :grr: