I'm pleased to announce the 4.25 release of the BOINC client for Windows.
The highlights for this release are:
1. A MSI based installer, for large scale deployments.
2. A new task based GUI which utilizes the wxWidget cross platform framework, so we could use the same GUI code for the rest of the platforms.
3. Installation options for running in the shared and service execution modes.
4. A more comprehensive set of GUI RPC's for management of the daemon.
5. Abilities to suspend/resume projects.
6. Abilities to suspend/resume results, even ones which haven't started executing yet.
7. Abilities to abort results.
8. Abilities to abort transfers.
9. Abilities to add URLs to the GUI Interface on a project specific basis.
10. Supports multiple messages returned from the scheduler.
We would like to thank the Alpha testers and the various community members
who reported bugs and helped us smooth out the rough edges.
We are still cooking the Linux, Solaris, and Mac versions which should be
showing up in the next week or so.
----- Rom (Walton)
The highlights for this release are:
1. A MSI based installer, for large scale deployments.
2. A new task based GUI which utilizes the wxWidget cross platform framework, so we could use the same GUI code for the rest of the platforms.
3. Installation options for running in the shared and service execution modes.
4. A more comprehensive set of GUI RPC's for management of the daemon.
5. Abilities to suspend/resume projects.
6. Abilities to suspend/resume results, even ones which haven't started executing yet.
7. Abilities to abort results.
8. Abilities to abort transfers.
9. Abilities to add URLs to the GUI Interface on a project specific basis.
10. Supports multiple messages returned from the scheduler.
We would like to thank the Alpha testers and the various community members
who reported bugs and helped us smooth out the rough edges.
We are still cooking the Linux, Solaris, and Mac versions which should be
showing up in the next week or so.
----- Rom (Walton)
Just download the new client, from http://boinc.berkeley.edu/download.php
Uninstall the old client, and install the new to the same directory and should pick up all the old wu.
My recommended install-option would be as service on NT, just remember if you wants to run the screensaver (or show graphics) then installed as service you must manually change the service to run as "localsystem" and "interact with desktop". It's possible not all projects will show any graphics, even they did in older clients.
Also, after starting the Manager, it can take some seconds before displaying any information the 1st time.
To change language, select tools/options and try another language. After changing language, exit the manager and re-start.
Note, there's currently not many translated languages, more should come in later releases.
As for bug-fixes, the most important is a fix there the client didn't correctly parse a scheduler-reply so never got the wu to crunch as should have.
For v4.13-users there are also the bug-fix to all the wu-download-errors.
As for compability, v4.25 is compatible with all released projects, meaning SETI@home, Einstein@home, Climateprediction.net, Predictor@home and LHC@home. Still, if you're running CPDN and a long way out in a wu, would recommend to make a backup of BOINC before installing the new version, just in case...