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Poll: SHould we Murcers all put our DC efforts on one and only one project?

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  • Poll: SHould we Murcers all put our DC efforts on one and only one project?

    Some of us do BOINC, some SETI, some perhaps LHC or folding or whatever. Point is, we never make top-bracket anywhere. Should we (and you guessed it, I say yes) all commit to just one project?

    Of course, voting yes means that you'll commit to go with the majority in the next poll I'll do (if we have a majority of yes-sayers on this poll). That is indeed what I'll do. I'll quit my CPDN projects (we are #23 of the world BTW, but we'll drop as it is currently) and join whatever project wins.
    Mind your own darn business, I'll do what I want!
    Who the heck are you?
    Will you count 2, 3 and 4 as one or is this a trick to get Yes voted (FL Style)?
    I don't do any DC anyway.
    I don't do DC, but I'll join the majority project.
    None of the above. I'll state my case in post and Umf, do with it as you deem best.

    The poll is expired.

    Join MURCs Distributed Computing effort for Rosetta@Home and help fight Alzheimers, Cancer, Mad Cow disease and rising oil prices.
    [...]the pervading principle and abiding test of good breeding is the requirement of a substantial and patent waste of time. - Veblen

  • #2
    Uhmm...I think everyone who's participating somehow asks himself a question what's his goal. Helping a project he believes should recieve help or...upping up "MURC distributed team" in some stats. I doubt many would give the second answer...
    (however, MURC could unite under LHC@home, which has short term, specific, solid goal and not so big teams!!! BTW, my account )

    (too bad I can't really participate right now...the computer here, which will be always-on for some time to come probably, although it has 2 cpu's, it has also 500MB HDD...which means also, aprt form obvious lack of space, 1 cpu in use :/ . And my main machine doesn't have net acces...)

    PS. (OTOH I have two net cafes here who grant administrative rights...but you haven't hear that )
    Last edited by Nowhere; 2 October 2005, 13:21.


    • #3
      Yes but it has been tride before and people did not switch project! I even think we lost some members!
      According to the latest official figures, 43% of all statistics are totally worthless...


      • #4
        I haven't been involved with any DC projects in a while; largely because none of the projects involve anything near and dear to my heart, but I'd be glad to contribute to any project that gains the majority of support here.

        I'm not so sure though, that a lot of people will want to drop the projects that are dear to them just because another gets more votes.
        “And, remember: there's no 'I' in 'irony'” ~ Merlin Mann


        • #5
          SETI is my only choice for now due to it's low memory requirements. There is less slow down due to swapping even if the computer does hit it's limit and i don't fancy a project where a work unit cannot be fully processed say if I have to kill Boinc as a just in case measure.


          • #6
            Shame on you...and here I was running LHC@home on win2k with 128MB... (and on dual cpu! two instances, two times memory usage! )


            • #7
              I might be interested in switching. Currently running BOINC - CPDN. The CPDN projects last a little too long for my liking.
              I can understand why these projects are becoming less popular. With power prices on the rise & the greater power/system requirements of both computers & the distributed computing projects themselves, it is no longer popular to leave the computer on all the time.


              • #8
                LHC@home perhaps? Low turnaround time - actually, I think the max allowed now is 5 days or something. And you're activelly helping in building/tuning the largest particle accelerator in the world, which will soon be finished.


                • #9
                  Work for LHC comes in batches, there all work must be finished before next batch is made available. To minimize the wait between batches, it's important users runs with short cache-setting, but there is often still gaps with no available work.
                  This basically means must have one or more "backup"-projects if don't wants the cpu to run idle...
                  Einstein@home and SETI@Home is most likely candidates as backup-projects, Predictor@home have a tendency to have more unstable work-delivery but can act as one of multiple backup-projects. CPDN with very long crunch-times but short deadline atleast with the Sulphur-cycle-model isn't usable as backup.

                  But, if the point is to get all production into one project, unlikely LHC@home is the best choise...
                  Oh, and in case someone is running Macs, LHC doesn't have a mac-application...

                  Einstein@home has the lowest memory-usage with under 10 MB, SETI@Home demands more than 64 MB installed memory and uses 24 MB while seti_enhanced uses 31 MB, LHC is 40-something MB, CPDN 65 MB and Predictor@home at 70MB.

                  Anyway, with all the projects now possible to choose from, it's unlikely there will be any consensus on only one project...


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Nowhere
                    Shame on you...and here I was running LHC@home on win2k with 128MB... (and on dual cpu! two instances, two times memory usage! )
                    Was this a work machine that other people were using almost constantly?


                    • #11
                      I used it alsmot problems basically, however when I've had many tabs opened in Opera (thing 30 to 50) swapping became noticeable, so I usually turned BOINC off then... (BTW, specs of the machine are in my profile)


                      • #12
                        I haven't actually checked in ages - am I still contributing to BOINC? 1 machine still works... if there's no trickles coming through I'll re-install
                        DM says: Crunch with Matrox


                        • #13
                          OK, well, I promised I guess. The vote was mostly undecided. In any case, in CPDN we just dropped from #23 to #24 and if we don't get new members or computers, we're gonna drop some more. I, as some may have guessed, can be a competitive puppy and prefer to have one big murc/matrox team as opposed to 5 insignificant ones.

                          I realise this won't get all on one project but it may help to get at least one big team. I still have 5 computers running stuff but only 3 that I'll be able to get to. I'll commit these 3 to the prject that gets most votes. And a 4th should arrive somewhere this year.

                          I know some are running:

                          Are any running others to include in the poll for top project?
                          Join MURCs Distributed Computing effort for Rosetta@Home and help fight Alzheimers, Cancer, Mad Cow disease and rising oil prices.
                          [...]the pervading principle and abiding test of good breeding is the requirement of a substantial and patent waste of time. - Veblen


                          • #14
                            kinda OT but the people who're watching this thread would know.

                            I have a question. It's a little naive.

                            I'm just curious if any org that uses these distributed processing systems has actually made a breakthrough that they atribute to the availability of all this computing power?

                            Also, has this thing developed into a business yet?

                            It seems to me that a company could develop a generic data crunching app that would be installed for free by us and then allow their network to be rented by big companies who need the horsepower.

                            We would get a cut for the use of our computing time. And the company that owns the network would run it for a profit, and be responsible for marketting, continued software development, etc.
                            Last edited by schmosef; 18 October 2005, 00:45. Reason: added second question
                            P.S. You've been Spanked!


                            • #15
                              schmosef, LHC for sure and Einstein most probably will bring some breakthroughts...

