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We are now ranked top 300!

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  • We are now ranked top 300!

    Woohoo! We're joining the big guys. We'll reach 5 MILLION credits in a few days as well. We're lettinh whole universities, countries and global corps eat dust!

    Meanwhile, Marshmallowman is churning like crazy, must be winter down under. Zokes must be thinking about ways to re-reach #2 by RAC but, to be fair, he does it with one computer only which may well be ranked #150 or so (@Zokes, where do you see the ranking by PC)? J1NG has returned as well. Sitflyer, VJ and me just churn away chilling. Nicram, well, is out of our league.

    It seems, for now, that we've lost TX, degrub and delany. I hope those churn-talents will rejoin the effort and many others.
    Join MURCs Distributed Computing effort for Rosetta@Home and help fight Alzheimers, Cancer, Mad Cow disease and rising oil prices.
    [...]the pervading principle and abiding test of good breeding is the requirement of a substantial and patent waste of time. - Veblen

  • #2
    I had to throttle down a little and set boinc to 80% cpu. Reason is that my computer was not stable with the 33° temperatures outside. Even though we have airconditioning, it is set to 28° to not have too much difference (and it is switched of when I'm not here). I will be going on holiday soon, and I'll leave it at 80% (better that than crashing and no chance for a reboot in 2 weeks).
    Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow. (James Dean)


    • #3
      If you check the Top Computers from the R@H home page you'll see I`m floating around the top 120. But not for long, I have to throttle the cpu use quite a bit because of the heat and noise. I'm experimenting but it'll be running quite a bit less so my RAC will drop drastically. But it will still be running quite a bit.
      Originally posted by Umfriend View Post
      Woohoo! We're joining the big guys. We'll reach 5 MILLION credits in a few days as well. We're lettinh whole universities, countries and global corps eat dust!

      Meanwhile, Marshmallowman is churning like crazy, must be winter down under. Zokes must be thinking about ways to re-reach #2 by RAC but, to be fair, he does it with one computer only which may well be ranked #150 or so (@Zokes, where do you see the ranking by PC)? J1NG has returned as well. Sitflyer, VJ and me just churn away chilling. Nicram, well, is out of our league.

      It seems, for now, that we've lost TX, degrub and delany. I hope those churn-talents will rejoin the effort and many others.
      Marshmallowman is churning up RAC's like mad, congrats!
      Titanium is the new bling!
      (you heard from me first!)


      • #4
        Basically I need to re-arrange where certain fans are hooked up in my case otherwise I have to shut down boinc. I needed to throttle down the cpu fan speeds but to do so I needed to change an option in the bios but that drops the speed of all the other fans so if I hook them up to the case controller instead, I can boost the speed of the quiets one and only throttled the cpu fan speeds, hopefully that will solve my heat issue temporarily. But we usually get 4-6 months of freezing weather here and when it comes, it'll run 24/7 but with the humidty and heat, it becomes more difficult to keep the house cool all while running boinc at all times at 100%.
        Titanium is the new bling!
        (you heard from me first!)


        • #5
          It seesm Nicram is finally getting the competition he was looking for: Mashmallowman now has the highest RAC! It'll take a while to catch up (about 4 years at current RAC) but still ;-)

          Oh, and only during winter. How is the season with you guys. Over here, we've had the coldest spring in forty(!) years
          Join MURCs Distributed Computing effort for Rosetta@Home and help fight Alzheimers, Cancer, Mad Cow disease and rising oil prices.
          [...]the pervading principle and abiding test of good breeding is the requirement of a substantial and patent waste of time. - Veblen


          • #6
            yes its getting very cold here ,well Perth cold. Mild winter for you guys.. but #@$ cold for me.
            So I will have quite a few computers on heating duties for another month or 2


            • #7
              Zokes I found setting the compute prefs to only use a % of the processor cores keeps temperatures under control better.
              I think it tends to shuffle the boinc processs to the cooler cores, rather than rely on thermal throttling.

              80% on a 4 core system will leave one idle


              • #8
                Originally posted by Marshmallowman View Post
                Zokes I found setting the compute prefs to only use a % of the processor cores keeps temperatures under control better.
                I think it tends to shuffle the boinc processs to the cooler cores, rather than rely on thermal throttling.

                80% on a 4 core system will leave one idle
                Well, I reduced the time of day and it runs 60% of the time. I'd have to try and see if 80% would make a difference in temps.
                But so far, at 60%, I'm averaging around 3000+ RAC's which to me is sufficient.

                I'd love to be able to access my system from home but I have no way to do so. I would also like to monitor the room temp as well, but that's slightly more difficult.

                Even at idle, the room temp is very high.

                Congrats on the RAC by the way, if you could beat Nicram, that would be awesome.
                Titanium is the new bling!
                (you heard from me first!)


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Umfriend View Post
                  It seesm Nicram is finally getting the competition he was looking for: Mashmallowman now has the highest RAC! It'll take a while to catch up (about 4 years at current RAC) but still ;-)

                  Oh, and only during winter. How is the season with you guys. Over here, we've had the coldest spring in forty(!) years
                  Some days are cool, but refently, with the high humidity, it feels like 35 to 38C. It's uncomfortable. Luckily I dehumidify and have a decent AC unit for the house.
                  Titanium is the new bling!
                  (you heard from me first!)


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by ZokesPro View Post
                    Well, I reduced the time of day and it runs 60% of the time. I'd have to try and see if 80% would make a difference in temps.
                    But so far, at 60%, I'm averaging around 3000+ RAC's which to me is sufficient.

                    I'd love to be able to access my system from home but I have no way to do so. I would also like to monitor the room temp as well, but that's slightly more difficult.

                    Even at idle, the room temp is very high.

                    Congrats on the RAC by the way, if you could beat Nicram, that would be awesome.
                    At 80% cpu usage, it does use the cooler cores but the CPU temps are still too high for it to be a viable solution in that room. Even at idle it gets hots in that room.
                    Titanium is the new bling!
                    (you heard from me first!)

