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We are now ranked top 250!

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  • Umfriend
    That is quite some saving on heating then ;-)

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  • ZokesPro
    Originally posted by Umfriend View Post
    Ah! It'd be way kewl to have a PotD in our team.

    I don't think an SSD would help you more than, say, two credits a day, if any. And I am a fan of SSD nowadays, it is the great equalizer between desktops and laptops. Running my mssql reasonably-large-data on the lappy instead of the desktop because of it. But not for server/BOINC work, no. Better cooling and, if at all possible, some overclocking would do some though.
    Well, I don't have the money for an SSD and with my current RAC, my machine has never ran better in rosetta. I'm unofficially at 4500 RAC which bring me in the top 80 computers, but seeing as I had re-installed, officially I'm at 4200RAC.

    I hope I can reach 5K RAC, which is my ultimate goal. Hooray for freezing Canadian weather!
    Fun fact: even running at 100%, in a small 8 x 6 ft room, it's keeping the temp at 24C when it's max 10C outside. The cpu temp dropped 7C since this summer.

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  • Umfriend
    Ah! It'd be way kewl to have a PotD in our team.

    I don't think an SSD would help you more than, say, two credits a day, if any. And I am a fan of SSD nowadays, it is the great equalizer between desktops and laptops. Running my mssql reasonably-large-data on the lappy instead of the desktop because of it. But not for server/BOINC work, no. Better cooling and, if at all possible, some overclocking would do some though.

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  • ZokesPro
    Originally posted by Umfriend View Post
    Ha, you made 3rd place Zokes, well done! Will be a while b4 u catch up with me but it'll happen.
    All the while drunk off my ass! lol
    I really lucked out on that machine, I got it for dirt cheap!
    But I did spent a ton of time tuning it so it runs at optimal performance.

    I'm wondering if an SSD would help, even slightly.

    I wonder how long it'll take before I reach 2nd, and even 1st?
    M'eh, as Tx would say, it matters not, tis for the greater good.
    Would love to see myself as Predictor of the day though, maybe one day.

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  • Umfriend
    Ha, you made 3rd place Zokes, well done! Will be a while b4 u catch up with me but it'll happen.

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  • ZokesPro
    Originally posted by Marshmallowman View Post
    The weather is warming up here, I will be down to a snails pace again.
    I had hoped to get a buffer in front of Zokes, but alas curse those Xeons
    When you have 4-6 monthds of cold weather a year, that's about the only advantage we canadians have.

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  • Umfriend
    Originally posted by Nicram View Post
    so i will be slower for now.
    Should that not have been followed by something like "Muhwahahahahah!"?

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  • Nicram
    Great work guys! I sadly had to turn off my fastest computer, so i will be slower for now.

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  • Marshmallowman
    The weather is warming up here, I will be down to a snails pace again.
    I had hoped to get a buffer in front of Zokes, but alas curse those Xeons

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  • ZokesPro
    It's been a week or two since I decided to stop running boinc at 60% and put it at 100%.
    Just in time too, soon I will be on the top of this team! Gotta love Xeons.

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  • Umfriend
    started a topic We are now ranked top 250!

    We are now ranked top 250!

    For a while now, #245 as we speak. It's been a while, busy busy busy but...

    We are close to 7mln credits.
    Nicram passed 2mln, congrats, and apparantly thought he should limit his crunching efforts so as to have some competition within the team.
    Marshmallowman will reach 1 mln within 100 days, prolly before year-end
    ZokesPro is now the fastest cruncher and will join the 1mln club perhaps before December 1st.
    VJ, TX and Sitflyer continue to contribute.
    I muddle along and passed 1.5mln credits already.

    We're still #100 by RAC but the distance in credits from one spot to the other are increasing and by now most teams we need to catch up with churn themselves as well. There are now four teams catching up with us, that is a nuisance.

    We could use more members so if you're interested, feel free to read about the project ( and perhaps we'll have a predictor of the day soon!