I had a few windows open (Netscape Editor, Windows Explorer and some folders) I was gone for a while so the monitor turned itself off after 15 minutes like it's supposed to. When I moved the mouse the monitor turned itself back on like it's supposed to and something strabnge happened.
None of the windows where refreshing themselves right. Even the START button was gone (I could see my background image in the place where it was supposed to be) I tries refreshing everything but it didn't help.
After a while even by background dissapeared and Save As requester boxes had blank buttons in them.
I restarted the computer and everything went back to normal.
Anyone else see this happen?
None of the windows where refreshing themselves right. Even the START button was gone (I could see my background image in the place where it was supposed to be) I tries refreshing everything but it didn't help.
After a while even by background dissapeared and Save As requester boxes had blank buttons in them.
I restarted the computer and everything went back to normal.
Anyone else see this happen?