I have created a simple Windows application to add and remove resolutions from Powerdesk 5. It is basically Helmchen's method with a basic frontend stuck around the dirty work. There is no error checking at all, so it will crash if you have any weird entries (i.e. other than xxxx,yyyy) in the VideoParameters section of the registry. It also only works if the Powerdesk display is enumerated as 0000 (this should be the case if you used the uninstaller before installing Powerdesk 5 and if you don't have multiple displays).
Please download it and send me your comments! I will do my best to incorporate any suggestions. Feel free to e-mail me, but the forums are a better place for comments that way everyone can read each other's feedback. Please note that I only tested this on my system, which is running Windows 98 SE with a G400 MAX and ViewSonic P817 monitor. Also, note that I DON'T TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITY IF YOU DAMAGE YOUR REGISTRY, OPERATING SYSTEM, VIDEO CARD, MONITOR, COMPUTER, ETC., ETC. BY USING THIS UTILITY.
That said, get the Powerdesk 5 Resolution Manager here:
<a href="http://people.ne.mediaone.net/veneziano/pd5resmgr.exe">http://people.ne.mediaone.net/veneziano/pd5resmgr.exe</a>
Mark Veneziano
Supermicro P6DGU; single Intel Pentium 3 500 MHz; 256 MB PC100 ECC; AOpen HX08 Case; Matrox Millennium G400 MAX 32MB; Matrox Rainbow Runner G-Series; ViewSonic P817; CL Sound Blaster Live! with digital and optical I/O; Cambridge Soundworks FPS2000; 3Com 3C905B-TX; LANcity LCPET-2 cable modem; Epson Stylus Color 1520; Seagate Cheeatah 9.1 GB U2W; Plextor UltraPlex Wide; Yamaha CRW4416S; HP ScanJet 4p; USR Courier V.Everything; 2.88 MB and 1.2 MB floppy drives; MS Natural Keyboard Elite; MS IntelliMouse Pro; MS IntelliMouse Trackball; MS Sidewinders; MS Win98 SE ACPI enabled.
Please download it and send me your comments! I will do my best to incorporate any suggestions. Feel free to e-mail me, but the forums are a better place for comments that way everyone can read each other's feedback. Please note that I only tested this on my system, which is running Windows 98 SE with a G400 MAX and ViewSonic P817 monitor. Also, note that I DON'T TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITY IF YOU DAMAGE YOUR REGISTRY, OPERATING SYSTEM, VIDEO CARD, MONITOR, COMPUTER, ETC., ETC. BY USING THIS UTILITY.
That said, get the Powerdesk 5 Resolution Manager here:
<a href="http://people.ne.mediaone.net/veneziano/pd5resmgr.exe">http://people.ne.mediaone.net/veneziano/pd5resmgr.exe</a>
Mark Veneziano
Supermicro P6DGU; single Intel Pentium 3 500 MHz; 256 MB PC100 ECC; AOpen HX08 Case; Matrox Millennium G400 MAX 32MB; Matrox Rainbow Runner G-Series; ViewSonic P817; CL Sound Blaster Live! with digital and optical I/O; Cambridge Soundworks FPS2000; 3Com 3C905B-TX; LANcity LCPET-2 cable modem; Epson Stylus Color 1520; Seagate Cheeatah 9.1 GB U2W; Plextor UltraPlex Wide; Yamaha CRW4416S; HP ScanJet 4p; USR Courier V.Everything; 2.88 MB and 1.2 MB floppy drives; MS Natural Keyboard Elite; MS IntelliMouse Pro; MS IntelliMouse Trackball; MS Sidewinders; MS Win98 SE ACPI enabled.