Help!!dunno whats wrong wif my display.. whenever i installed the matrox g400 drivers.. and after i set the display to 800x600 (or above) and 16bit (or above) the images will be garbled,hang,at times blank.. and everytime i have to set restart,go to safemode and reset the settings.i tot it was because of my monitor so i change to a new monitor viewsonic E771 but the same thing still happens.. why is it so? right now the only way i can get the display to be running is to disable hardware acceleration.but then if so.. issnt it a waste to get the matrox card? when u can use the hardware accelerations?
my system specs are as below
P3 500
abit BE6 mobo
128 rams hyundai
i really cant find any other soultions anymore i tried emailing matrox's tech support but it has been like a week (and damn they say will reply within 5 working days)
someone help?? tolong tolong~
my system specs are as below
P3 500
abit BE6 mobo
128 rams hyundai
i really cant find any other soultions anymore i tried emailing matrox's tech support but it has been like a week (and damn they say will reply within 5 working days)
someone help?? tolong tolong~