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G400 32RAM Locks my comp + other bugs

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  • G400 32RAM Locks my comp + other bugs


    I got a Matrox G400 single head 32RAM, installed the powerdesk 5.30, I have DirectX7
    and while working in Windows environment (netscape, word etc...) the screen shows interlaces then teh system rfeezes. It happens from time to time.

    My Directx7 diagnostic sais teh G400.drv are not certified and in teh D3D test it sais (software rendering) its not normal it should be hardware no? I got teh certified drivers from Matrox (5.20) but still saying not certified and still having system freeezing in 2D or 3D applications.

    Can you please giveme hints?


  • #2
    What type of system do you have? What devices... ? HAve you tried to 1X registry hack from here in the downlaod section? HAve you tried disabling Bus Mastering? Any IRQ conflict? This is just a start but we will only be able to help you out properly with your system specs..



    • #3

      Thanks for replying,

      My system is a Compaq Deskpro PII Intel Celeron MMX 333MHZ with 32RAM, I have an AWE64 plug and play installed and working fine. I have an LT Modem 56K wich is working great as well and a 24X CDrom. Before geting my G400 I had a G100 and it used to be super stable. No conflicts at all in anyof teh devices even the G400.

      Okay I must try to disable the BUS Mastering but the 1x hack I did not try it yet.

      Many people told me that its Drivers bug. I`m concerned about the DirectX7 thattells me `software rendering`during teh tests it shoudl be hardware no?

      if you have more Idea Ill be thanksful!



      • #4
        you must either use 16 or 32 bit color for the tests, and also try with dual head disabled. Is your card sharing it's IRQ with another device?


        • #5

          I disabled the Bus mastering and until now nothing is freezin (crossing finger) i hope this was teh problem. BTW what the BUS mastering does?

          The DX7 test does alwas say software rendering no matter 16 or 32 bit :/ and uncertified G400.drv.

          Where can I disable the dual head thing? My card is single head

          Thanks for the help dude



          • #6

            I disabled the Bus mastering and until now nothing is freezin (crossing finger) i hope this was teh problem. BTW what the BUS mastering does?

            The DX7 test does alwas say software rendering no matter 16 or 32 bit :/ and uncertified G400.drv.

            Where can I disable the dual head thing? My card is single head

            Thanks for the help dude



            • #7

              To know what Bus Mastering does, simply go in the option tab in the Matrox Properties, clcik on teh question mark in the top corner near the X and drag it on Bus Mastering and... voila!

              No ways to disable dual head with your card since you only have one.. hence it is already disabled...

              Check those IRQ's!!

