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win2k / GL performance

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  • win2k / GL performance

    i have seen posts claiming usable (40+ fps) framerates using win2k and the latest powerdesk win2k beta, however, When i tried it, i got 20.1 fps on the 'high quality' setting of q3. I have a regular G400 and a dual celeron 550.. I didnt test it in single cpu mode, since the mouse was all jumpy with out r_smp 1 turned on.

    The people who posted seemed to have p3s or athlons, and while those cpus have their SIMD instructions, a dual celery 550 should be faster than that.
    I get in the neighborhood of 42 fps currently in win98.

    Did i miss some setting? should i be disabling vsync? what can i do to get usable framerates?

    i tried it on nt4 and got 20.3 fps with dual cpus, and 22.4 with a single cpu - i had perfmon running and it looked like the cpus were taking turns, one would spike, then the other, never both high at the same time

    Dual celeron 366@550
    abit bp6
    128mb ram
    9gb udma/66
    18gb udma/66(running on the udma/33 controller)
    g400 32mb DH
    yamaha 4416e 4x4x16 cdrw
    creative 2x dvd drive
    mx300sound + mx25 digital out (a3d digital sound, baby)
    generic ne2000 isa netcard

  • #2
    Don't expect dual processor will out perform single processor like 2x, smp will give you more stablity rather than speed.

    I can download huge file, same time playing mp3, burning a cd and unrar huge file without crashing (dual processor + w2k) while testing this with single only on another machine (w2k) it crash 50% of the time.

