Sorry, I don't know who I should send this report to. So I post here.
I install the Matrox PowerDesk 5.50.010 for Win9x under Win98 SE, then
found incompatible problems with some 2D/3D games.
2D Game
West Front 1.05
East Front 1.08
(Both for Win9x)
Talonsoft http://www.talonsoft.com/
Must disable "Use device bitmaps caching" under Options page of Powerdisk.
Otherwise will cause GDI error while load Scenario of West Front, Then
close the game, reboot Win98 SE.
Must disable "Use device bitmaps caching" under Options page of Powerdisk.
Otherwise will cause incorrect display within West Front and East Front.
These problems exist in PowerDesk 5.41.008, 5.50.005, 5.50.010.
3D Game
Apache Havoc 1.1E
Empire Interactive http://www.empire.co.uk/
Razor Works http://www.razorworks.com/
This is a dual combat helicopter simulation game.(Apache of US and Havoc
of Russia)
When launch this game, try a mission then press [F5] to enter external
view, watch the propeller of helicopter would find incorrect display.
There are wrong texture display on all propeller of helicopter within
this game.
These problems exist in PowerDesk 5.50.005, 5.50.010.
PowerDesk 5.41.008 run this game very well and has no these problems.
My System:
Intel Pentium 3-550 (500/100FSB, Didn't O/C)
AsusTek P2B Rev 1.04 with 1011 ACPI BIOS
AGP Aperture set to 256MB
384MB PC-100 SDRAM
Matrox G400 Max AGP (Didn't O/C) G4+MMDH4A32GR
G400 BIOS 1.5-B22
MS-Windows 98 Second Edition (4.10.2222A)
1152x864x16bit Display Mode
Thank you.
Sorry, I don't know who I should send this report to. So I post here.
I install the Matrox PowerDesk 5.50.010 for Win9x under Win98 SE, then
found incompatible problems with some 2D/3D games.
2D Game
West Front 1.05
East Front 1.08
(Both for Win9x)
Talonsoft http://www.talonsoft.com/
Must disable "Use device bitmaps caching" under Options page of Powerdisk.
Otherwise will cause GDI error while load Scenario of West Front, Then
close the game, reboot Win98 SE.
Must disable "Use device bitmaps caching" under Options page of Powerdisk.
Otherwise will cause incorrect display within West Front and East Front.
These problems exist in PowerDesk 5.41.008, 5.50.005, 5.50.010.
3D Game
Apache Havoc 1.1E
Empire Interactive http://www.empire.co.uk/
Razor Works http://www.razorworks.com/
This is a dual combat helicopter simulation game.(Apache of US and Havoc
of Russia)
When launch this game, try a mission then press [F5] to enter external
view, watch the propeller of helicopter would find incorrect display.
There are wrong texture display on all propeller of helicopter within
this game.
These problems exist in PowerDesk 5.50.005, 5.50.010.
PowerDesk 5.41.008 run this game very well and has no these problems.
My System:
Intel Pentium 3-550 (500/100FSB, Didn't O/C)
AsusTek P2B Rev 1.04 with 1011 ACPI BIOS
AGP Aperture set to 256MB
384MB PC-100 SDRAM
Matrox G400 Max AGP (Didn't O/C) G4+MMDH4A32GR
G400 BIOS 1.5-B22
MS-Windows 98 Second Edition (4.10.2222A)
1152x864x16bit Display Mode
Thank you.