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Matrox PowerDesk 5.50.010 Bugs report

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  • Matrox PowerDesk 5.50.010 Bugs report


    Sorry, I don't know who I should send this report to. So I post here.

    I install the Matrox PowerDesk 5.50.010 for Win9x under Win98 SE, then
    found incompatible problems with some 2D/3D games.

    2D Game

    West Front 1.05
    East Front 1.08
    (Both for Win9x)


    Must disable "Use device bitmaps caching" under Options page of Powerdisk.
    Otherwise will cause GDI error while load Scenario of West Front, Then
    close the game, reboot Win98 SE.
    Must disable "Use device bitmaps caching" under Options page of Powerdisk.
    Otherwise will cause incorrect display within West Front and East Front.

    These problems exist in PowerDesk 5.41.008, 5.50.005, 5.50.010.

    3D Game

    Apache Havoc 1.1E

    Empire Interactive
    Razor Works

    This is a dual combat helicopter simulation game.(Apache of US and Havoc
    of Russia)
    When launch this game, try a mission then press [F5] to enter external
    view, watch the propeller of helicopter would find incorrect display.
    There are wrong texture display on all propeller of helicopter within
    this game.

    These problems exist in PowerDesk 5.50.005, 5.50.010.
    PowerDesk 5.41.008 run this game very well and has no these problems.

    My System:

    Intel Pentium 3-550 (500/100FSB, Didn't O/C)
    AsusTek P2B Rev 1.04 with 1011 ACPI BIOS
    AGP Aperture set to 256MB
    384MB PC-100 SDRAM

    Matrox G400 Max AGP (Didn't O/C) G4+MMDH4A32GR
    G400 BIOS 1.5-B22

    MS-Windows 98 Second Edition (4.10.2222A)
    1152x864x16bit Display Mode

    Thank you.

  • #2
    Thanks for the advice and info, but a true bug report should be sent to Matrox ( ). Some people around here might work for Matrox and get fixes going, but the fixes are a lot more likely to happen if you contact Matrox. MURC is simply an independent site trying to help people work with what they have available to them (that ok Ant?).

    My baby...

    QDI Brilliant IV - Bios 2.0 Beta (Win2000 updates - email me if you want it!)
    2 Pentium III 500 MHz
    256 MB PC-100 SDRAM
    Matrox Millenium G200 8 MB SGRAM - Bios 2.6-20
    2 Creative Labs 3D Blaster Voodoo2 12 MB (SLI...)
    Creative Labs Sound Blaster Live!
    Klipsch ProMedia v.2-400
    Quantum Viking 4.5 GB UW SCSI (weak...)
    Creative Labs PC-DVD Encore 2X
    Iomega 1GB Jazz

    All running on Win2000...


    • #3
      Thanks Jon.

      I know that page for tech support but don't know could send bugs report to there.

      I just post the same report to that page.

      Thanks again.


      • #4
        No problem at all. Thanks for making an effort to get the word out. That's much better than sitting back complaining about an issue but not doing anything constructive to help.

        My baby...

        QDI Brilliant IV - Bios 2.0 Beta (Win2000 updates - email me if you want it!)
        2 Pentium III 500 MHz
        256 MB PC-100 SDRAM
        Matrox Millenium G200 8 MB SGRAM - Bios 2.6-20
        2 Creative Labs 3D Blaster Voodoo2 12 MB (SLI...)
        Creative Labs Sound Blaster Live!
        Klipsch ProMedia v.2-400
        Quantum Viking 4.5 GB UW SCSI (weak...)
        Creative Labs PC-DVD Encore 2X
        Iomega 1GB Jazz

        All running on Win2000...

