I have recently taken to removing the backing plates from my slot 1 processors. I then installed my new 650E with the 450 PIII backing plate, and installed the 450 backing plate on the 600. That left a 450 with a 600 backing plate and I didn't sort this all out until the 650E and the 600 were installed with the backing plates and heat sinks attached. The 650E was a running computer and the 600 was fresh and not yet running. This meant that, without serious investigation, I couldn't correctly operate the computer which (maybe) contained the 600 until I made sure the 450 was sitting in the box with the 600 backing plate installed.
I am either correct, or I have a 450 running with a 6.0 multiplier at 112 fsb.
[This message has been edited by Brian R. (edited 07 April 2000).]
I am either correct, or I have a 450 running with a 6.0 multiplier at 112 fsb.
[This message has been edited by Brian R. (edited 07 April 2000).]