The names for 11 and 12, namely, eleven and twelve, have always been a source of curiousity for me. I know that in some languages, these follow a pattern that fit more closely with the rest of the number system. In English, however, they don't. I've thought of a number of ways to remedy this, and the most interesting one I've thought of so far is to change the word for 1. The names for the numbers 10-19 ought to follow the same scheme as all the rest, such as 20-29. However, onety sounds to similar, and is likely to cause confusion. To alleviate this, a slight change I think is in order. One should become fun. This then allows 10 to be funny. 11 would then be funny-fun. The advantages of this would be numerous. The stigma of being single would be alleviated drastically, as 1 is now "fun." It would also make it much more enjoyable for young kids to learn to count to 10. Would you rather know your funny times tables or your ten times tables? It would also solve the problem of the numbers 11 and 12 making no sense at all, and 13-19 making only marginal sense, when compared to the names of the rest of the numbers.
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Ever wondered about 11 and 12?
there is no such thing as a bad acid trip, well i might take that back after reading thismsi 6167 mobo k7 500 wk41 now at 650. 256 meg ram ,addtronics case w 250watt sp power supply, matrox g400, maxtor diammax 2500+ 10gig hd,10x aopen slot dvd, 3com 10/100 nic, sb live xgamer sound card, efecent networks dsl modem, dlink 701i dsl router/firewall, lots of controlers (joystick throttle rudder raceing wheel), 19in ctx monitor, logitech mouseman wheel usb, and klipsch promedia v2-400 speakers. win98 oem and win2k pro dual boot.
it's times like this that make me think of my fathers last words....
Don't son that gun is loaded.
Sigh, I tried to tell him he was on crack whe he informed me of this idea. (Elyas lives just down the hall from me) But would he listen?
And you all don't have to deal with him daily! This is just the latest of his ridiculous ideas! Although I think this is the stupidest one he has come up with yet... well, this or his idea to walk across the US, buy a Harley and bike back.
I tell you, this boy is completely and totally INSANE!!!! (of course I can't be to far from the same since I haven't got the good sense to stop hanging out with him)
Primary System:
MSI 745 Ultra, AMD 2400+ XP, 1024 MB Crucial PC2100 DDR SDRAM, Sapphire Radeon 9800 Pro, 3Com 3c905C NIC,
120GB Seagate UDMA 100 HD, 60 GB Seagate UDMA 100 HD, Pioneer DVD 105S, BenQ 12x24x40 CDRW, SB Audigy OEM,
Win XP, MS Intellimouse Optical, 17" Mag 720v2
Seccondary System:
Epox 7KXA BIOS 5/22, Athlon 650, 512 MB Crucial 7E PC133 SDRAM, Hercules Prophet 4500 Kyro II, SBLive Value,
3Com 3c905B-TX NIC, 40 GB IBM UDMA 100 HD, 45X Acer CD-ROM,
Win XP, MS Wheel Mouse Optical, 15" POS Monitor
Tertiary system
Offbrand PII Mobo, PII 350, 256MB PC100 SDRAM, 15GB UDMA66 7200RPM Maxtor HD, USRobotics 10/100 NIC, RedHat Linux 8.0
Camera: Canon 10D DSLR, Canon 100-400L f4.5-5.6 IS USM, Canon 100 Macro USM Canon 28-135 f3.5-5.6 IS USM, Canon Speedlite 200E, tripod, bag, etc.
"Any sufficiently advanced technology will be indistinguishable from magic." --Arthur C. Clarke
No - as 13 is thir-teen (from third-teen) and the others are similar (four-teen from fourth-teen), 11 and 12 would be first-teen and second-teen which also doesn't work.
"Life is what we make of it, yet most of us just fake"
and yes, I know cracksmoker err... Elyas IRL. And yes, he explained this theory to me... and yes, my head is still spinning, and yes, he has plenty more 'good' ideas where that came from...
If you can't convince them, confuse themIf you can't convince them, confuse them