And ya know what? I think it actually might be helping... 
No, seriously though, I was reading out of my philosophy book (not very interesting in my opinion btw) and I found what I thought was a really cool quote - especially coming from someone who's skeptical about whether or not they have a stick up their ass (after all, they are a philosopher - no offense to any philosopher's here....)!
"Nothing is more free than the imagination of man ... it has unlimited power of mixing, compounding, separating, and dividing these ideas, in all the varieties of fiction and vision." - David Humer from An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
I doubt I got the quote in the correct form, but I also doubt I have to worry about you guys accusing me of plagarism....
Anyway, being a relatively creative guy, I found this quote particularly interesting.
Thanks for your time,

No, seriously though, I was reading out of my philosophy book (not very interesting in my opinion btw) and I found what I thought was a really cool quote - especially coming from someone who's skeptical about whether or not they have a stick up their ass (after all, they are a philosopher - no offense to any philosopher's here....)!
"Nothing is more free than the imagination of man ... it has unlimited power of mixing, compounding, separating, and dividing these ideas, in all the varieties of fiction and vision." - David Humer from An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
I doubt I got the quote in the correct form, but I also doubt I have to worry about you guys accusing me of plagarism....
Anyway, being a relatively creative guy, I found this quote particularly interesting.
Thanks for your time,