Hi dZeus, I just read your topic about this telemarketing thingy, and noticed you where Dutch and I am too, looked at you profile, fired up your webpage, and saw the matrox driver bugs page. (That's no excuse I know) 
Now, I got a solution for this bug:
"OpenGL games cause grey boxes in windows explorer"
Thats no Matrox driver related problem. It's the Plextor Plexmanager 2000 program you installed. It ****s up your icons and does alot of other nasty stuff, like making your cd-drives dissapear randomly. I would recommend on uninstalling it and go back to Plexmanager 96 v1.74.

Now, I got a solution for this bug:
"OpenGL games cause grey boxes in windows explorer"
Thats no Matrox driver related problem. It's the Plextor Plexmanager 2000 program you installed. It ****s up your icons and does alot of other nasty stuff, like making your cd-drives dissapear randomly. I would recommend on uninstalling it and go back to Plexmanager 96 v1.74.