A couple of days ago it was a bearable 15 to 24 degrees Celsius (59F to 75.2F), yesterday was a bearable day with a max of 26C (78.8F).
Today is a day with a high of 34C (93.2F) and tomorrow they expect at least another 32C (89.6F).
Now maybe some of you Americans say you have this heat every day, but what's your humidity? And every day the same heat is better for the body than this skyrocketing heat and then crashing heat again... at the end of the week it'll be a good 17C (62.6F) again.
No wonder we get sick
Holly, be glad you're not here yet. Maybe you'll be able to come in the rain-season
One piece of molten Jord.
"What goes up, must come down..."
"What goes in, must come out..."
Today is a day with a high of 34C (93.2F) and tomorrow they expect at least another 32C (89.6F).
Now maybe some of you Americans say you have this heat every day, but what's your humidity? And every day the same heat is better for the body than this skyrocketing heat and then crashing heat again... at the end of the week it'll be a good 17C (62.6F) again.
No wonder we get sick
Holly, be glad you're not here yet. Maybe you'll be able to come in the rain-season
One piece of molten Jord.
"What goes up, must come down..."
"What goes in, must come out..."