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Who do you think will win Euro2000?
Nah ! I was just happy that Spain had another chance and so disappointed when they missed... a penalty shot...
(Edit: Barmaleus, cum stau preturile la memorii pe la tine ? Aici au urcat cu un milion in doua saptamani.)
[This message has been edited by andrei (edited 25 June 2000).]
Andrei...nu prea-s la curent cu preturile la memorii...de fapt cu preturile la componente in general...pentru ca, atunci cand am ceva bani de upgrade, de obicei ma duc in Ungaria...iese cu vreo 40% mai ieftin...pe bune...
De exemplu, saptamana trecuta (vineri) vorbeam cu un prieten care si-a luat 32 de mega (cred ca pc100)din Ungaria cu vreo 450.000...nu stiu preturile de aici, tie poate iti spune ceva...
Yeah, it's sad to miss a penalty shot...anyway, Spain got lucky with Yugoslavia once...remember 2-3...then, in a couple of minutes was 4-3...maybe it was too much...
Jord, isn't dangerous to spray paint the cat?...i mean for the cat?...or is it hair spray (orange?)...
My system:
PIII 450@558
Abit BE6
128 Mb Hitachi PC100 RAM
OEM G400SH 16MB@160/180
(MGA Tweak Sys clk 360/2.25/2/2.25)
IBM 10 Gigger
SB Live! value
Hyundai 17" monitor
Oh yeah, PD6.10+TGL1.30+DX7.0A, all this on WIN98SE...
I've heard that spray painting a cat can lead to some nasty gashes on your forearms
As to the soccer, I was hoping for Spain to make another save in the last minute, and I really thought they'd get it when thay got that penalty, ahh well, tough luck.
I still hope for Portugal vs Holland in the finals
Go Portugal !!"That's right fool! Now I'm a flying talking donkey!"
P4 2.66, 512 mb PC2700, ATI Radeon 9000, Seagate Barracude IV 80 gb, Acer Al 732 17" TFT
I guess Portugal has the goods to win, but it would be too wonderful...
I like the Dutch, but do I smell a touch of nazism in them? The are too swollen... they deserve to lose. P.S. De Boer´s face gets on my nerves.
Italy´s football is ugly but damn effective. They are one of the candidates.
France is very strong at the moment, and Zidane is one of the best players I have ever seen - one of my favourites.
Well, let´s see, hope Portugal wins.
P.S. Nuno, that cursed semi-final against France was in 1984, not in 1986.
With nazism I meant an irrational will to win games, and maybe a little bit of presumption, I mean, a "holier than thou" approach to football. Remember, I´m talking about THIS particular dutch squad.
I apologize to dutch people for the expression. In fact, I like Holland very much.
[This message has been edited by Alec (edited 28 June 2000).]
Andrei...900.000?...ouch...hmmm...si-aici in magazine is in jur de 850.000...ma simt nevoit sa explic pretul asa de mic daca iei ceva din Ungaria (daca stiai deja scuze...):
1.La vama maghiara iti returneaza AFA (TVA-ul lor)
2.La vama noastra te...ahem...invarti cumva si nu platesti taxe vamale sau TVA-ul...
Daca reusesti, iesi mult mai ieftin...daca nu, tot iesi mai ieftin, da' numa' cu putin (de obicei adaosul comercial din magazine)...oricum nu pierzi nimic (eventual timp si nervi...)
HEHE...6 more hours...GO HOLLAND!!!
My system:
PIII 450@558
Abit BE6
128 Mb Hitachi PC100 RAM
OEM G400SH 16MB@160/180
(MGA Tweak Sys clk 360/2.25/2/2.25)
IBM 10 Gigger
SB Live! value
Hyundai 17" monitor
Oh yeah, PD6.10+TGL1.30+DX7.0A, all this on WIN98SE...
OOOOOOOOPS ... i got my fact sheets all mixed up ... today plays PORTUGAL against FRANCE...in this case GO PORTUGAL!!!
My system:
PIII 450@558
Abit BE6
128 Mb Hitachi PC100 RAM
OEM G400SH 16MB@160/180
(MGA Tweak Sys clk 360/2.25/2/2.25)
IBM 10 Gigger
SB Live! value
Hyundai 17" monitor
Oh yeah, PD6.10+TGL1.30+DX7.0A, all this on WIN98SE...
I'd have to go for the Netherlands as well (btw Jord and the rest of you Dutch ppl - I though that you disliked getting called Holland?) though I want Italy to win. I don't think that their football is ugly - effective and beautiful in places. Though ZZ has to be one of the best.
I must also say that this tourney is much better than the WC in France - twice as good to watch and less cheating too. Shame about the violence but England weren't as annoying on the commentary either!
Paul.Meet Jasmine.