Due to problems with my master harddrive, and Holly's harddrive having problems with ACPI in Win98SE on my motherboard, we're temporarily offline. 
You can email & ICQ us, but don't expect an answer soon. Partition Magic decided to eat my primary partition, and we're trying to get it back ASAP.
I hope we can get it back, otherwise I'll need at least Mark's help for all of the UT maps again
Ofcourse, this isn't an invitation to wreak havoc in the 'Box. Ant will be looking out for us, and may kick & ban you all
So, where do I write this from then? Work.
Back to copying the calendar.
See you all soon, we hope.
Kisses from Holly to the boys, and from me to the girls
Jord & Holly
"What goes up, must come down..."
"What goes in, must come out..."
"What can go wrong... will go wrong..."

You can email & ICQ us, but don't expect an answer soon. Partition Magic decided to eat my primary partition, and we're trying to get it back ASAP.

I hope we can get it back, otherwise I'll need at least Mark's help for all of the UT maps again

Ofcourse, this isn't an invitation to wreak havoc in the 'Box. Ant will be looking out for us, and may kick & ban you all

So, where do I write this from then? Work.

Back to copying the calendar.
See you all soon, we hope.
Kisses from Holly to the boys, and from me to the girls

Jord & Holly
"What goes up, must come down..."
"What goes in, must come out..."
"What can go wrong... will go wrong..."