I found the following About Joan Chen's upcoming film, "Autumn in New York," in the San Francisco Chronicle last week:
"Test audiences also had a say in the final product; for one thing, they nixed [Winona]Ryder's nude scene. 'They said they didn't want explicit nudity. They didn't think the movie needed it.'"
Didn't need it?!? *Of course* it needed it!! Are these people nuts! Where did they test this film? Vatican City?
I guess we can still hope for a "Director's Cut," as it was in Ms. Chen's final cut of the film.
Sorry. I had to get that off my chest.
"Test audiences also had a say in the final product; for one thing, they nixed [Winona]Ryder's nude scene. 'They said they didn't want explicit nudity. They didn't think the movie needed it.'"
Didn't need it?!? *Of course* it needed it!! Are these people nuts! Where did they test this film? Vatican City?
I guess we can still hope for a "Director's Cut," as it was in Ms. Chen's final cut of the film.
Sorry. I had to get that off my chest.