What did I do for 2 hours Friday night? Was I having a great time fraggin with the [MU]? Reading the latest cheese thread? Nope...I was enjoying the "upgrade" to IE 5.5. I can't believe this. Is this some kind of joke? I figured just an incremental upgrade, so how bad can it be? I tried the full install and got caught in an idiot loop installing Shockwave ("you must down load this" => download => "not all components were downloaded, continue?" sure. Download again....again again...). OK, I'll pass on Shockwave. Finally install IE5.5. Outlook Express works, but Explorer? Trys to connect to some MSN site...then that's the end. Can't do ANYTHING IE-related without getting invalid page faults in kernel32. Try the IE5.5 repair. Does nothing. Try reinstall 5.5. Same. Again with fix. Same results. I've had it. Use the handy (I thought) uninstall. I was using IE5.01, but the unstall bumps me back to 4.0 (so they mean restore to the previous rev. level, not the previous version you had installed?). So guess what? Yep. Outlook Express was left at rev. level 5.0, so it won't work, and now I get the joy of re-installing Office 2000. Reinstall IE 5.0 and I'm almost back to where I started.
OK. Thanks. I feel better.
OK. Thanks. I feel better.