Okay Pim, so you got a bit uncomfortable answering us in the thread in MHW, so you closed it? Very mature of you to do so. "Hey, you guys are overreacting, so I'd better close it now, and I don't want to answer anymore."
Very inmature of you. Not even respectful enough to have the taken Administrator tag on you!! If you wanted to get our opinions, you'd let us do so, on these forums, which are OUR forums, not your's!! Not on your ICQ or stupid email, by which you can track us down even further...
And since you did read Hugh G.'s post (I hope you did), and about now know for sure you're in deeper shit than you could've wanted, I'd advice you to leave the forums for the time being, let us go back to business of helping people with their videocards, and have fun amongst ourselves.
And a next time you trash some forums you don't know jackshit about, go through the list Hugh G. has given you. The appropriate way of doing these things. For you're no evil hacker are you? You're a decent one? No harm done?
Oh, and relocate again, for one of these days Dutch police will be knocking your door in, without even trying to ring the bell first.
I just hope you'll be so decent then to resist arrest, goddammit.
Very inmature of you. Not even respectful enough to have the taken Administrator tag on you!! If you wanted to get our opinions, you'd let us do so, on these forums, which are OUR forums, not your's!! Not on your ICQ or stupid email, by which you can track us down even further...
And since you did read Hugh G.'s post (I hope you did), and about now know for sure you're in deeper shit than you could've wanted, I'd advice you to leave the forums for the time being, let us go back to business of helping people with their videocards, and have fun amongst ourselves.
And a next time you trash some forums you don't know jackshit about, go through the list Hugh G. has given you. The appropriate way of doing these things. For you're no evil hacker are you? You're a decent one? No harm done?
Oh, and relocate again, for one of these days Dutch police will be knocking your door in, without even trying to ring the bell first.
I just hope you'll be so decent then to resist arrest, goddammit.