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Napster Banned by Judge: Another Victory for the Screw-the-Little-Guy/Gal Record Co.

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  • Napster Banned by Judge: Another Victory for the Screw-the-Little-Guy/Gal Record Co.

    Well well well...that was a suprise. Not.

    What do you call a group of Companies that get together and collaborate to keep prices artificially high on a consumer product that is directed at a vast majority of society, especially economically challenged young people...The Recording Industry Association of America. This is not my opinion solely, but one agreed upon by the United States department of Justice too...who are in the process of suing major record labels for collusion.

    And Napster lost, an outlet for people to share their personal copies of music with others. Such evil little bastards these sharing maniacs, for even though record sales are higher than ever before....The RIAA still wants more more more more. Well I have one word for them:


    Where you not only can share music, but personal copies of software. Put some power back into the consumer's've been screwed long enough.

    do it now.

    [This message has been edited by bongo (edited 27 July 2000).]

  • #2
    As much as I like Napster and the ability to get 1 or 2 songs from an album for free, I still can't condone how it's being used by people.

    Maybe I justify my use by saying I wouldn't buy most of the albums/songs anyway, but before Napster, I would just do without.

    The artificially high price of CDs shouldn't figure into whether you download music or not (from a legal point of view).

    I don't believe that Napster, the company, should be held accountable for how we use their software, but I still know downloading copyrighted songs from Napster goes against the spirit of the copyright law if not the letter.

    It'll be interesting to see if the RIAA next goes after the bazillion websites that are serving MP3s up. Of course, it'll take their lawyers forever to sort thru all the pop-ups to find out who to sue...
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