Well they killed my Napster! I was pretty depressed about it untill I started looking around and found that there were several other ways to share files. Gnutella was the first one I found. I thought it was the answer to my little problem, but when I installed it and tried to find a few things it crashed just about every time. I hit the web again and found CuteMX. JOY! It looks and feels a lot like Napster (but can "share" all kinds of files not just MP3's), is WAY faster than Gnutella, and doesn't crash my system. I think if the word gets out about it, it will REALLY catch on. Give it a try and let me know what you think! http://www.cutemx.com/
If you can't beat 'em, kill 'em with Kindness
If you can't beat 'em, kill 'em with Kindness