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I'm worried....

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  • I'm worried....

    So this morning I woke up and talked to Maria on the PHONE!!! which made my morning very nice. I hadn't heard her voice in about 2 weeks.... So when I got off the phone with her, we agreed that we would talk later tonight online. Getting back from dinner at about 10:35 tonight, I checked my comp and there she was. So far so good, right!?! Ok, so literally in under 5 messages, she tells me, "I have to go. Dad's up and he's angry...." And of course we never have a good connection so I get this message after she's already gone offline. This makes me quite upset....

    Her father has manic depression and is not taking any medication because according to him, "it doesn't help." YEAH RIGHT!!! Anyway, last summer (before I knew her) the poor girl went through some crazy shit with him and I'm worried that he's going to freak out. This is a guy who beat his wife when she was going through chemo (sp?) therapy!!! She says he won't kill either of us if he finds out we are together, but .... And so today I think he found out about us (or at least his suspicions were given foundation) and now he is awake at 11:20 and apperantly quite angry.

    To reitterate: I'm worried....

    (I really hope he doesn't visit the fori....)
    "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: His eyes are closed"
    --- Albert Einstein

    "Drag racing is for people that don't know how to brake and downshift at the same time."

  • #2
    Hmmmm.... why do you think he's got a hunch that you two were talking? And why does he not like you? Or is it just that he doesn't like guys dating his baby girl?


    • #3
      She's "daddy's only baby." Especially since her mother died, she's all he has left because he disowned his son....

      And he does like me btw, but likes me as his daughter's friend and friend alone....

      And I have a paper due tomorrow along with a human ev. speech to give. YEAH RIGHT!!! Like I can concentrate enough to right a paper in this state of mind...

      [This message has been edited by Muad'Dib (edited 14 August 2000).]
      "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: His eyes are closed"
      --- Albert Einstein

      "Drag racing is for people that don't know how to brake and downshift at the same time."


      • #4
        Looks like you should have put on those extra pounds and muscles after all. You can always try the honesty approach. Tell him you've fallen for his daughter and vise versa and ask his approval to date her. If he flips and you think your woman is in danger, move her to a relatives house where you know she'll be safe.

        Just my thoughts. Anybody in a potentially bad situation like your girlfriend's, needs to jump free of it.


        Athlon 650, Biostar board, 128 MB PC133 (Crucial), G400 32 MB DH, SB Live! w/ Digital I/O, 10/100 NIC, lots of case fans, etc...

        [This message has been edited by Jammrock (edited 14 August 2000).]
        “Inside every sane person there’s a madman struggling to get out”
        –The Light Fantastic, Terry Pratchett


        • #5
          Be careful with this "honesty" thing. Think twice and then think again.


          • #6

            Yeah, "think twice and then think again" is good advice, but it's missing a part....

            Think twice
            then think again
            <u>then talk to Maria</u>!!!

            You can't make such a decision alone, you have no right to affect her life that way without telling her (suppose he freaks out and beats hell out of her every time he sees her for the next month?), and she knows him even better than you do, maybe she'll have a good idea about how to handle him.

            Have you told her that you're concerned? That you're worried for her, and for you, and for the effects on your relationship? I know it can be hard to do so, but holding hands has gotten lots of people through scary times when nothing else could help.

            Hold her hand, and let her hold yours. She's probably scared too; not so much for herself (she's been dealing with this for years, after all), but to lose you---or do you think that you would be the first boyfriend to be scared out of her life by her father's illness?

            Talk to her. You need each other's help.



            • #7
              Not much to add there, Dimi.
              Besides maybe for your paper to right or write: I write the rites to right my wrongs Don't think about it, just laugh


              [This message has been edited by Jorden (edited 14 August 2000).]


              • #8
                You are missing the point people (although thanks for your imput nonetheless... ). She just called me this morning and said everything is ok and that her dad was freaking out about something else, but I will clarify.

                First off, she is in Los Vegas now and I'm in LA because she went home to visit her dad now that summer school is over for her (and I of course didn't go with her). For anyone that doesn't know, that is AT LEAST a 5 hour drive. The thing that worried me last night (was not wether or not I should tell/ask her father's permission about anything) was that I was so far away and she told me he was really angry and she had to go. Thus she would go back online after he went back to sleep (this was at 11:30 and I was online until 2....) and she never did. I was worried about her saftey and wether or not I should drive out there (which would have it's own consequences whether she was ok or not). That seems to make more sense to people who don't already know the story...

                Jammrock - her dad's an old man (without old-man strength [not sure how that happened, but it did.... ]). I could break him easily if it ever came to that, but Maria is not nearly as strong or big as he is. She's only 5'2" and barely 100 lbs so there's not a whole lot she can do to stop an angry man.... Another thing which was worrying me...

                Oh, Holly, it takes a lot more than an unmedicated father to scare me out of her life....

                Oh, and about telling her father about us, you better believe I'm not going to do that. It's none of my business what she tells her father and how/when/if she ever does.


                [This message has been edited by Muad'Dib (edited 14 August 2000).]

                [This message has been edited by Muad'Dib (edited 14 August 2000).]
                "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: His eyes are closed"
                --- Albert Einstein

                "Drag racing is for people that don't know how to brake and downshift at the same time."


                • #9
                  I guess I should have said, "talk to her about it, too." I guess I figured that part went without saying, so I forgot to type it. You should never go do anything like what I said in a relationship without consulting your significant other first. Eh gad, that would catastrophic if you didn't.

                  “Inside every sane person there’s a madman struggling to get out”
                  –The Light Fantastic, Terry Pratchett

