This probably won't impress the headbangers, but Ant came back from vacation and made three (count'em) Sex Pistols puns in a single short paragraph. It makes me all bleary eyed and nostalgic. I added the brackets for those of you who were just glimmer in your mom's eye at the time.
"Well I'm back from <Holidays In The Sun> in Greece to a fueless UK. I don't know I take a weeks break and come back to <Anarchy In The UK>, poor old Tony Bland was almost in tears yesterday on TV after looking <Pretty Vacant> about it all. OK enough of my mindless ramblings I'll go and get on with something..."
"Well I'm back from <Holidays In The Sun> in Greece to a fueless UK. I don't know I take a weeks break and come back to <Anarchy In The UK>, poor old Tony Bland was almost in tears yesterday on TV after looking <Pretty Vacant> about it all. OK enough of my mindless ramblings I'll go and get on with something..."