From :
Main Entry: <sup>2</sup>mod·er·ate
Pronunciation: <tt>'mä-d&-"rAt</tt>
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): -at·ed; -at·ing
Date: 15th century
transitive senses
1 : to lessen the intensity or extremeness of <the sun moderated the chill>
2 : to preside over or act as chairman of
intransitive senses
1 : to act as a moderator
2 : to become less violent, severe, or intense
- mod·er·a·tion /<tt>"mä-d&-'rA-sh&n</tt>/ noun
Therefore, Joel moderates this forum. He 'lessens the intensity or extremeness' of comments made here as to not to offend anyone (as much as possible). Or he helps the forum 'to become less violent, severe, or intense'.
Happy now?
"Life is what we make of it, yet most of us just fake"
Main Entry: <sup>2</sup>mod·er·ate
Pronunciation: <tt>'mä-d&-"rAt</tt>
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): -at·ed; -at·ing
Date: 15th century
transitive senses
1 : to lessen the intensity or extremeness of <the sun moderated the chill>
2 : to preside over or act as chairman of
intransitive senses
1 : to act as a moderator
2 : to become less violent, severe, or intense
- mod·er·a·tion /<tt>"mä-d&-'rA-sh&n</tt>/ noun
Therefore, Joel moderates this forum. He 'lessens the intensity or extremeness' of comments made here as to not to offend anyone (as much as possible). Or he helps the forum 'to become less violent, severe, or intense'.
Happy now?
"Life is what we make of it, yet most of us just fake"