Read this for yourself. It is a letter sent in from a reader of The Register:
Well seeing that I'm as edjacated as any other AMD fan here let me state my case. First off let me state anything AMD makes has just got to be way better than anything Intel makes so there is really nothing that new with this here P4 chip. Yea theres nothin new with that thar Pentium 4 its just a copy of the Athloner anyway right fellas?
God knows none of them high paid phd types at Intel could come up with anything original could they. That double pumped alu couldn’t blow up a nasty ole bike tire now could it? and that 400 mhz Bus, well who needs mass transit anyway. Lets leave them busses on the highway! And that trace catch, them Intel fellows must be plum crazy to want to play catch with a puter. Bout the only ALU worth a damn is the alu-cio, now that theres a union bud. As far as that 20 piece pipeline is concerned, I worked on a pipeline up Alaska way one time and it was no fun
at all. What a fellow got to do here is be objective and just say "no way Intel" just dont bother releasing that there CPU we dont even have to test it.
We know more than any stinken Intel engineer who wasted 8 years in school gettin some useless phd in puter architechture. Better yet I got my aunty Peggy who got that ESP stuff and she done some benchmarks on that thing and she says its a dog. She rubs a pikachu doll on her head and while doing that the numbers just roll in. according to her this things gonna do floatin needle point like a 300 mhz Celery.
Well thanks for hearin my rant,
God knows none of them high paid phd types at Intel could come up with anything original could they. That double pumped alu couldn’t blow up a nasty ole bike tire now could it? and that 400 mhz Bus, well who needs mass transit anyway. Lets leave them busses on the highway! And that trace catch, them Intel fellows must be plum crazy to want to play catch with a puter. Bout the only ALU worth a damn is the alu-cio, now that theres a union bud. As far as that 20 piece pipeline is concerned, I worked on a pipeline up Alaska way one time and it was no fun
at all. What a fellow got to do here is be objective and just say "no way Intel" just dont bother releasing that there CPU we dont even have to test it.
We know more than any stinken Intel engineer who wasted 8 years in school gettin some useless phd in puter architechture. Better yet I got my aunty Peggy who got that ESP stuff and she done some benchmarks on that thing and she says its a dog. She rubs a pikachu doll on her head and while doing that the numbers just roll in. according to her this things gonna do floatin needle point like a 300 mhz Celery.
Well thanks for hearin my rant,