Yeah, just let BG do what he is planning, and in a year or two we will be booting the OS from MS servers, and using applications installed there as well. Paying by the minute of course 
All your files will be saved at the MS HQ, and when you need a copy of a file, it can be snailmailed to you on a CD for a fixed fee (unless the file is in violation of the US export laws).
All in the name of public service

[This message has been edited by Pertti (edited 02 October 2000).]

All your files will be saved at the MS HQ, and when you need a copy of a file, it can be snailmailed to you on a CD for a fixed fee (unless the file is in violation of the US export laws).
All in the name of public service

[This message has been edited by Pertti (edited 02 October 2000).]