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MP3 Encoder?

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  • MP3 Encoder?

    aNyone know of a fAst mP3 encoder?
    Still, not thaT i do much Encoding anymoRe...
    The Welsh support two teams when it comes to rugby. Wales of course, and anyone else playing England

  • #2
    LaMe iS a FaSt EnCoDeR, aNd GiVeS gOoD qUaLiTy SoUnD tOo.


    • #3
      I always use Audiograbber. It takes tracks from CD's and immediatly encodes it to mp3. You can encode anything with it too. It's a good and fast allround program.

      Get i from:

      and get a crack at:

      1337 Ha><0r

      [This message has been edited by FaRaN (edited 20 November 2000).]
      In case it's a harware problem:
      PIII-500@560, 256 MB, G400 MAX DH on, ABIT BH6, MX300
      Win2K drivers: 5.52


      • #4
        FaRaN - does it use the "Fraunhofer" mp3 codec ?


        EPoX BX7+100, Celeron II 566@900 MHz (8.5x105), 128 MB PC133, G400 16MB SH (Bios 1.3-22,PD 5.52, TurboGL V1.3), on board Highpoint U-ATA100 RAID controller, IBM DPTA 20,0GB U-ATA100, Iomega ZIP100, SB PCI128, Mitsumi CR-4801TE, Pioneer 36x slot-in, Iiyama Vision Master Pro 400, Plustek OpticPro 9636T, HP 930C, Win`98 SE
        <font size="1">
        Celeron II 700 @ 1,1 GHz
        ASUS CUSL2-C, Bios 1009 final
        Alpha 6035MFC, 60 -> 80mm adapter
        2 x 80mm Papst Cooler 19/12dB
        256 MB PC133 Crucial 7E (CAS2)
        Maxtor Diamond MAX VL40
        ATI Radeon 8500 64MB @ Catalyst 3.0
        Hauppauge WinTV TV-Card
        Iiyama Vision Master Pro 400
        Plustek Optic Pro U12B
        HP Deskjet 959C
        Plantronics LS1 Headset
        all on W2k Professional SP2


        • #5
          Personally, I don't use MP3's anymore. I use OGG vorbis compression. It's far superior to MP3 and its a completely free and open source format.

          Primary System:
          MSI 745 Ultra, AMD 2400+ XP, 1024 MB Crucial PC2100 DDR SDRAM, Sapphire Radeon 9800 Pro, 3Com 3c905C NIC,
          120GB Seagate UDMA 100 HD, 60 GB Seagate UDMA 100 HD, Pioneer DVD 105S, BenQ 12x24x40 CDRW, SB Audigy OEM,
          Win XP, MS Intellimouse Optical, 17" Mag 720v2
          Seccondary System:
          Epox 7KXA BIOS 5/22, Athlon 650, 512 MB Crucial 7E PC133 SDRAM, Hercules Prophet 4500 Kyro II, SBLive Value,
          3Com 3c905B-TX NIC, 40 GB IBM UDMA 100 HD, 45X Acer CD-ROM,
          Win XP, MS Wheel Mouse Optical, 15" POS Monitor
          Tertiary system
          Offbrand PII Mobo, PII 350, 256MB PC100 SDRAM, 15GB UDMA66 7200RPM Maxtor HD, USRobotics 10/100 NIC, RedHat Linux 8.0
          Camera: Canon 10D DSLR, Canon 100-400L f4.5-5.6 IS USM, Canon 100 Macro USM Canon 28-135 f3.5-5.6 IS USM, Canon Speedlite 200E, tripod, bag, etc.

          "Any sufficiently advanced technology will be indistinguishable from magic." --Arthur C. Clarke


          • #6
            The Welsh support two teams when it comes to rugby. Wales of course, and anyone else playing England


            • #7
              Audiograbber does not use Fraunhoffer's CODEC, it uses Xing's. If you want the Fraunhoffer you need to get Blade Encoder. Don't have a link, but it's the actual Fraunhoffer algorithm's.

              “Inside every sane person there’s a madman struggling to get out”
              –The Light Fantastic, Terry Pratchett


              • #8
                I think AudioCatalyst (Xing) is the fastest but Lame is the best quality. Assuming we are sticking to MP3s that is...

                Meet Jasmine.


                • #9
                  I believe Audiograbber does use Fraunhoffer's CODEC (click settings / general settings / internal) But i may be mistaken and i am using the freebie version is that bad?

                  The Welsh support two teams when it comes to rugby. Wales of course, and anyone else playing England


                  • #10
                    I seriously don't know what you people are talking about.
                    But just get a crack Paddy, it releases alot of cool features.

                    In case it's a harware problem:
                    PIII-500@560, 256 MB, G400 MAX DH on, ABIT BH6, MX300
                    Win2K drivers: 5.52


                    • #11
                      I use media player 7.

                      Vorbis sounds cool, although since I get a lot of mp3s from the net, it doesn't make a lot of sense to convert them to ogg.

