I spilled half a shot of Absolut vodka on my desk and wiped it up with a paper towel. I noticed my Microsoft Unnatural Keyboard was getting a little funky, so I wiped it with the vodka moistened towel.
You know, it worked fairly well. The areas I wiped are clean and it didn't leave the sticky residue Windex does.
I'm not recommending anyone try this, but if you do, I'd recommend a top shelf brand like Absolut. I prefer drinking Stoli straight. However, Absolut is not bad straight up, is very good in mixed drinks, and appears to work well as a cleaner.
It should be noted that this is *not* a cost effective solution.
You know, it worked fairly well. The areas I wiped are clean and it didn't leave the sticky residue Windex does.
I'm not recommending anyone try this, but if you do, I'd recommend a top shelf brand like Absolut. I prefer drinking Stoli straight. However, Absolut is not bad straight up, is very good in mixed drinks, and appears to work well as a cleaner.
It should be noted that this is *not* a cost effective solution.
