ok.. guys.. here we go..... 2000~ or what i remember from it. lol
1. The Green Mile
2. Fight Club
3. Galaxy Quest- Very entertaining..
4. Gladiator
5. A tie...High Fidelity/The Cell
1. Radiohead- Kid A
2. Sunny Day Realestate- The Rising Tide
3. Deftones- White Pony
4. U2- All that You Can't Leave Behind
5. Blue Man Group
1. The Republic of PLATO- Allan Bloom
2. The World's Last Mysteries- Readers Digest
3. Investing For Dummies- Eric Tyson
4. Every Day Memory Builder- Keith
5. The New Birth Order Book- Dr. Kevin Leman
Video Games:
1. Unreal Tournament
2. Deus Ex
3. SSX--- oh yeah baby
4. Tekken Tag
5. Serious Sam.. test.... /Diablo II... hell ya !
1. Moving back to the Hoosier State
2. Getting my car paid off, Insurance getting less expensive to my driving record being clean
3. My Driving record being clean.. LoL
4. Buying a Playstation 2... no wait.. Ben (a.k.a. Deathmuppet[MPE])buying a PS2.. and he ..just by chance..is living with us..hee hee
5. ooooo.. I quit smoking wooooo-hoooooo
1. The Green Mile
2. Fight Club
3. Galaxy Quest- Very entertaining..
4. Gladiator
5. A tie...High Fidelity/The Cell
1. Radiohead- Kid A
2. Sunny Day Realestate- The Rising Tide
3. Deftones- White Pony
4. U2- All that You Can't Leave Behind
5. Blue Man Group
1. The Republic of PLATO- Allan Bloom
2. The World's Last Mysteries- Readers Digest
3. Investing For Dummies- Eric Tyson
4. Every Day Memory Builder- Keith
5. The New Birth Order Book- Dr. Kevin Leman
Video Games:
1. Unreal Tournament
2. Deus Ex
3. SSX--- oh yeah baby

4. Tekken Tag
5. Serious Sam.. test.... /Diablo II... hell ya !
1. Moving back to the Hoosier State
2. Getting my car paid off, Insurance getting less expensive to my driving record being clean
3. My Driving record being clean.. LoL
4. Buying a Playstation 2... no wait.. Ben (a.k.a. Deathmuppet[MPE])buying a PS2.. and he ..just by chance..is living with us..hee hee
5. ooooo.. I quit smoking wooooo-hoooooo
