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I love English

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  • #31
    Well, I must say on ocasion I do partake in imagining in my head IRC talk like "slash me is hungry" but thats usually when I havent slept.

    I could also take the cheap way out and claim English is not my native language as I am Mexican born and raised, and spanish is a hell of a lot easier than english IMHO. However, I must admit I learned english as a small child, pretty much at the same time as spanish, so I really have no excuse for poor spelling and whatnot. However, as I told Jorden the other day, I AM dyslexic, so if you see me putting letters in a very odd order, just bare with me, I usually dont proof read.

    That said, I guess I have a skewed viewpoint as I did learn both languages as a youngster, but spanish seem's a lot easier to me. Also helped a lot learning portuguese (No, not 100%, but close enough and I can get by reading french and italian (very very slowly).


    Hamburger has no ham, pineapple is neither a pine nor a apple, if Moose -> Meese, then Goose -> Geese? (yeah, I read that old Readers Digest article)
    A computer is like sex. Your never 100% sure what your doing but when all goes well, it feels REAL good.


    • #32
      andrei, try to get all the early Marillion CDs (if you don't have any) if you want to learn difficult English ...

      Example given, Script for a Jester's Tear:
      I act the role in classic style of a martyr
      carved with a twisted smile,
      To bleed the lyric for this song,
      to write the rites that right my wrongs.

      Still one of my favorites that one
      And you can probably see why !!

      or From Forgotten Sons:
      And so as I patrol in the valley of the shadows of Tricolor,
      I must fear evil for I am but mortal and mortals can only die,
      asking questions, pleading answers from the nameless faceless watchers that parade the carpetted corridors of Whitehall.
      Who order desecration, mutilation, verbal masturbation in their guarded bureaucratic wombs.

      Minister, Minister care for your children, order them not into damnation to eliminate those who would trespass against you, for whose is the kingdom, the power and glory, forever and ever, Amen.

      Now, the latter could work here on the fori as well



      • #33
        I think the trouble really begins with the widespread use of emoticons with and the dropping of greetings and salutations (Dear So and So, Sincerely, etc.) from conventional correspondence.



        • #34
          OK guys, trash the mother tongue if you wish. I share much frustration with the way improper becomes proper simply through constant misuse.

          My favorite new-speak to hate is "impact" when used as a verb. Another one is "majorly" As in "He was majorly upset." I've heard this ghastly Valley girl new-speak twice in the last week from TELEVISION REPORTERS for god's sake.

          But to all you purists out there, make no mistake, English is the mother tongue precisely because it is allowed to grow and transform according to the needs of it's users. William Conrad, (Heart of Darkness, etc.) chose to write novels in English for just that reason.

          Just look at what has happened to "proper" French vs. what is spoken today, because purists have attempted to stop the growth of the language in it's tracks.

          My Momma never got "into" anything, nor was she ever "hooked on" anything, but they are now perfectly valid and descriptive uses of the language today. Allow it to grow, please, just TRY to use it properly.

          And Jord:

          Your post above proves the point. What other language has that many similies and homonyms--which are the poet's stock in trade. Translations of those lyrics into any other tongue would be literally meaningless.

          [This message has been edited by Bixler (edited 02 February 2000).]
          Greebe's juiced up Athlon @750 on an MSI Irongate Based M/B Marvel G200 TV with HW/DVD Daughtercard,
          CDBurner, Creative DVD, two big WD Hdds, Outboard 56K modem
          Parallel Port Scanner, Creative S/B AWE 64 (ISA), and a new Logitech WebCam (My first USB device)


          • #35
            I, for one, do not have a bureaucratic womb.



            • #36
              Translating poetry is hard whatever the language may be.

              If I'd give you some romanian poetry, evan if you understood the language you wouldn't be able to translate it


              • #37
                I do so love it when one plants threads in TSB and leaves them to grow. At least this one hasn't mutated, not yet


                • #38
                  Let's try to disrupt it with fruit this time (que Helmutt...)



                  • #39
                    I don't know what you'd have to do to right your wrongs if you do that

                    Wondering what Holly would throw at you after that... something larger than a fork

                    [This message has been edited by andrei (edited 02 February 2000).]


                    • #40

                      How about the 645 knifes - set ??


                      • #41
                        I would suggest

                        this though

                        [This message has been edited by andrei (edited 06 February 2000).]


                        • #42

                          I hate to trash a group you apparently like, but Marillion is on the other side of the universe from proper english grammar. Some of their simile is interesting, but some of it is just foolish.


                          Not that I write much poetry myself, mind you. I did write a bit in high school, under a pseudonym, for the newspaper. It went something like this:


                          "My drapes, so white -
                          they wake me in the night.

                          So sue me."

                          Pretty good, huh? (NOT)

                          - Gurm

                          Listen up, you primitive screwheads! See this? This is my BOOMSTICK! Etc. etc.
                          The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

                          I'm the least you could do
                          If only life were as easy as you
                          I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
                          If only life were as easy as you
                          I would still get screwed


                          • #43
                            Well Jason,

                            I like the old Marillion, but nowadays I'm more into Asia and Alan Parsons (without the Project !!).

                            You should've done more on your poetic side, though. Why not try to end these lines with something original:

                            "He was standing there, looking into the light, wondering ..."



                            • #44
                              No Jorden, you missed the point. My pseudonym was "Ms. Emily Crumpost", of "1422 West Westchester Lane, Wessex England".

                              She was regarded as the 3rd worst poet ever, right behind the Vogons.

                              It's the juxtaposition of the rhyming (however horrible the rhyming is) and the "so sue me!" that provides the incredible poetic contrast.

                              - Gurm

                              Listen up, you primitive screwheads! See this? This is my BOOMSTICK! Etc. etc.
                              The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

                              I'm the least you could do
                              If only life were as easy as you
                              I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
                              If only life were as easy as you
                              I would still get screwed


                              • #45
                                Jason, did I really miss the point?

