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  • #16
    Chill out KvH. The Klein-bottle kitties is hilarious. And a fake. And other over-reactors have already "reported" them.,1283,41733,00.html Personally, I think the site is awesome, and the "traction device" they have listed under equipment is a hoot. It's satire. A world as crazy as ours needs to laugh at itself now and then.

    Oh, and that kid that has an IQ of 60 will understand moderate taxidermy? I bet he'd do better understanding your average action flick, or Eminem, or just about anything. There's plenty of better places to consider having "influences".
    Gigabyte P35-DS3L with a Q6600, 2GB Kingston HyperX (after *3* bad pairs of Crucial Ballistix 1066), Galaxy 8800GT 512MB, SB X-Fi, some drives, and a Dell 2005fpw. Running WinXP.


    • #17
      Yeah, but not everyone has the same sense of humor, that's what makes our world so interesting.

      George Carlin made a comment about going to the NOW headquarters and asking "Hey!, which one of you cute little cupcakes wants to come home and cook me a nice meal and give me a blowjob!"
      That little comment had everyone all upset, but the crowd sure was laughing.


      [This message has been edited by Rags (edited 13 March 2001).]


      • #18
        Now that's funny!
        Sadism really is not, however.. sorry bout that Wombat. It really doesn't surprise me in the least that an MIT student perpetrated this. A genius who has probably had very little contact with the real world and the dangerously stupid people who populate it can be very dangerous himself, in that ignorance.

        Good to know that it IS a hoax, and that it's being dealt with.


        • #19
          I think it's outrageous that the FBI is involved in this. If this was published on paper and FBI agents showed up at the publisher's door demanding information on the author's identity, they would be handed a card with a lawyer's phone number printed on it.



          • #20
            Let's see, websites (or pamphlets) that one really should NOT produce:

            1.) How to make a nuclear bomb and park it near the White House.
            2.) How to gas Jews for fun and profit.
            3.) How to blow away whitey with your mac-10 and get away with it.
            4.) How to tell that the nigger you are dragging is already dead.
            5.) How to torture babies for months on end until their bodies are twisted and deformed.

            Sorry, but this M****ole was just stupid.

            P.S.. Sorry if this was offensive, but if it was, my point is made.

            Strangely enough, I think The Three Stooges are hilarious. , Though watching their biography was really rather sad.

            [This message has been edited by KvHagedorn (edited 13 March 2001).]


            • #21
              I want a cat shaped like that. I could use it as a decorational door stop.
              Someday, we'll look back on this, laugh nervously and change the subject.

