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EU data protection act

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  • EU data protection act

    the eu wants to protect the rights of its citizens by making sure companys do not trade customer data without their customer's approval etc. and by only allowing export of customer data into countries who have similar laws..

    what do you think of that? (i especially want opinions of US citizens... )

    There's an Opera in my macbook.

  • #2
    Sounds good to me. It'll probably just become posted on web sites and crap as a 'privacy policy' and say that if you use their site, you agree to let them transfer info, kinda like here in the US.. but its defiantely a start


    • #3
      i want some more opinions please

      There's an Opera in my macbook.


      • #4
        Don't mind me, mind US congress

        An appropriate sig:
        If con is the opposite of pro, is congress the opposite of progress?
        (0,1) Just my two bits.


        • #5
          that's just why i posted this - i wanted to know if the american people really want what their politicians do...


          ahh btw - we need MORE money for guns, bombs, and missiles, 25.000 nuclear warheads aren't enough!!!

          ahh yeah, and we need protection from bad (as opposed to our good) nuclear missiles, so that we can act like we want and nobody can harm us!! war is going to be even more fun once we have our starwars™ toys up there..



          [This message has been edited by az (edited 12 March 2001).]
          There's an Opera in my macbook.


          • #6
            I'm not American but from the UK and I really get pissed off receiving unwanted spam mail. Unfortunately most of it is from American companies that have bought email addresses in bulk from newsgroup trolling companies. I wouldnt mind it if they were trying to sell something uusefull but most of it is pure crap.
            Another pisser is that I can be taken off their listings by phoning a number in the US.
            Get real.

            I for one believe in data protection and would like the EU to prosecute anyone that violates this. Unfortunately its a shame that the EU is so limp wristed

            regards MD
            Interests include:
            Computing, Reading, Pubs, Restuarants, Pubs, Curries, More Pubs and more Curries


            • #7
              yep, and i really hope they'll be strong (how can i say this better? informal language isn't what we're told in school ) this time and act!

              after all, we're independent countries and not just us colonies, aren't we?

              (to all the us users: yeah, i don't like your country - that does not necessarily mean that i don't like you, however.. you should just place your votes better )

              There's an Opera in my macbook.


              • #8
                agree with you guys,

                Eu need to be boost, we all have to boost Eu . We are able to make great things in economic, research and social. let's do it !



                • #9
                  Right, i definitely agree with anti-spam ( ofcourse, we arent in the EU, and probaably wont be accepted in the near future ... or wait, maybe we are in the EU, i really cant remember, these politicians lie so much you dont know what to believe in anymore ... nevermind ). I sure as hell am annoyed when i look at my inbox, and then realise it filled with crap ( which, ofcourse, somehow avoids the filters ), coz i signed up for free web space, and then they gave ( sold ) my e-mail to some spammer.

                  Nail the suckers!

                  Seth, are you ok ?
                  I`m peachy, Kate. The world is my oyster.
                  Seth, are you ok? I`m peachy Kate. The world is my oyster. - Seth Gecko


                  • #10
                    THe EU act isn't done yet and for us germans this is actually an old story. The Enquette Komission "Neue Medien" (Comission "New Media") made pretty clear that personal data is individual property with analogous rights and legal standards. That is, someone who 'gathers' your data is thieving. Someone who sells your data without your consent is harming your property rights and you gain a title for compensation. Sadly this wasn't as cleary implemented in the "Informations- und Kommunikationsdienstegesetz" (IuKDG) [Information and communicationsservice law] but the "Datenschutzgesetz" (DSG) [Data protection law] is available and is, at least in Germany, enforceable.
                    Anyway, good thing that the EU is finally moving towards citizen protection.



                    • #11

                      You know foreigners are like Ex-Wives.

                      They will bitch about you to no end, but they sure do like cashing your checks.


                      [This message has been edited by Rags (edited 14 March 2001).]


                      • #12
                        six: now that the eu will hopefully stand tall and act, maybe privacy laws will be followed even by us companys... we have kind of a hard time sueing us companys (doubleclick, for instance) for when they infringe german privacy laws, because in the us it's all perfectly legal..

                        rags: lol

                        There's an Opera in my macbook.

