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Ever wanted to download stuff, but been afraid to get cut off at 80%?
Ever wanted to resume a download whenever you want?
Ever wanted to download the same file from multiple users?
Ever wanted a program that reconnects after your connection has been dropped?
If so then eDonkey2000 is for you!
I am in the process of downloading X-men, Coyote Ugly and Gone in 60seconds in DivX format. Because the program will let you take the same file from multiple users, you dont need to wait until that one person is online before you can resume the download. In fact provided that they have more of the file than you, you can even download it form somone else while they download it. Make sense?
I am currently downloading nearly 2Gb of data on my what if it takes all week....
Have a go, and let me know what you think!
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