Hey all...
This is my own personal rant.. if you want to read this go right ahead.
My rant starts with some illicet practices I have been noticing in my area of residence.
There are a few people (Independants) who claim they are computer experts, amongst other things... and here are just two of the things they have done.
One lady (older maybe 55 or so) brought in a computer saying that her scanner wouldn't work.. I checked it out and noticed that there was an add in USB PCI card (Star Tech model PCI.. of which I am using in my 133 for the usb mouse)and tape over the hole for the onboard ports
She said that they put that in because her scanner wouldn't work with her ports on her board. They were going to charged her over 200 dollars to fix it... after a week it stopped working so she came into the shop where I occasionally help out with tech.
This is what had been done.
They had put duct tape over the USB onboard ports.
They had installed the USB card. Charging her triple the cost of the card for installation.
Here is what I found out after about half an hour of playing around.
Whoever worked on it just deleted the onboard USB in windows and disabled it in the BIOS.. they threw in the add on PCI card and then charged her the cost of the card plus three hours installation labour charges (It only should take a few minutes)
When I was working on it I took out the Startech card re-enabled the onboard USB hooked in the scanner and it wouldn't work... I checked and the incorrect drivers had been installed in the first place.. put in the right ones and sure enough it worked fine. (Took me about 20 minutes)
This really pissed me off... it is especially hard to tell someone they wasted over 200 dollars on something that could have been fixed in half an hour for alot less.
Another person that I work with at my crappy print factory job was telling me about how her friend who owns a computer store fixed her system when it got a virus and it cost her 260 dollars. When I asked why it was so much (I only charge at most 40 bucks unless there are serious complications) she said that the "worm" she got put on 21 viruses and destroyed her video card. She also says that the lady said they had to shock her motherboard to kill the virus...
I asked her the name of the virus and although I can't remember the name of it all it does is rename some files and sends itself through the e-mail.
Now I was kinda taken aback and asked her if she had paid for it.. she said no... but she was going in the next day...
When she paid for it and got her computer back, I got her to get the old video card (They weren't going to give it back to her) and I got her to get all the recipts.
Next week I am going over to run some tests... and if what I think has happened is true.. well there is going to be some **** going down for sure.
This trend it really starting to piss me off... Anyone can get a stupid certificate saying they are qualified PC tech's and its starting to bring me no end of grief... if you have enough money you can go to this place near where I live and for 14,000 dollars you can take a "6 month" course and be a certified PC Tech...
I don't know about how good the course is but two people that have taken the course have more certifications than me and they still don't know squat... the real killer is that they graduated with honors!!!
Its things like those that really get my back up and make me regret even going to school "College" for PC Technologist as since they have more "Certificates"they could get the same job and be consided for it before me.
There is so much more I could rant over but I won't... (Ala Shadetree PC experts et al.)
I have never claimed to know everthing and I never will...
Time for another beer.
Canadian... Hell Ya!!!
[This message has been edited by cbman (edited 22 April 2001).]
This is my own personal rant.. if you want to read this go right ahead.
My rant starts with some illicet practices I have been noticing in my area of residence.
There are a few people (Independants) who claim they are computer experts, amongst other things... and here are just two of the things they have done.
One lady (older maybe 55 or so) brought in a computer saying that her scanner wouldn't work.. I checked it out and noticed that there was an add in USB PCI card (Star Tech model PCI.. of which I am using in my 133 for the usb mouse)and tape over the hole for the onboard ports
She said that they put that in because her scanner wouldn't work with her ports on her board. They were going to charged her over 200 dollars to fix it... after a week it stopped working so she came into the shop where I occasionally help out with tech.
This is what had been done.
They had put duct tape over the USB onboard ports.
They had installed the USB card. Charging her triple the cost of the card for installation.
Here is what I found out after about half an hour of playing around.
Whoever worked on it just deleted the onboard USB in windows and disabled it in the BIOS.. they threw in the add on PCI card and then charged her the cost of the card plus three hours installation labour charges (It only should take a few minutes)
When I was working on it I took out the Startech card re-enabled the onboard USB hooked in the scanner and it wouldn't work... I checked and the incorrect drivers had been installed in the first place.. put in the right ones and sure enough it worked fine. (Took me about 20 minutes)
This really pissed me off... it is especially hard to tell someone they wasted over 200 dollars on something that could have been fixed in half an hour for alot less.
Another person that I work with at my crappy print factory job was telling me about how her friend who owns a computer store fixed her system when it got a virus and it cost her 260 dollars. When I asked why it was so much (I only charge at most 40 bucks unless there are serious complications) she said that the "worm" she got put on 21 viruses and destroyed her video card. She also says that the lady said they had to shock her motherboard to kill the virus...
I asked her the name of the virus and although I can't remember the name of it all it does is rename some files and sends itself through the e-mail.
Now I was kinda taken aback and asked her if she had paid for it.. she said no... but she was going in the next day...
When she paid for it and got her computer back, I got her to get the old video card (They weren't going to give it back to her) and I got her to get all the recipts.
Next week I am going over to run some tests... and if what I think has happened is true.. well there is going to be some **** going down for sure.
This trend it really starting to piss me off... Anyone can get a stupid certificate saying they are qualified PC tech's and its starting to bring me no end of grief... if you have enough money you can go to this place near where I live and for 14,000 dollars you can take a "6 month" course and be a certified PC Tech...
I don't know about how good the course is but two people that have taken the course have more certifications than me and they still don't know squat... the real killer is that they graduated with honors!!!
Its things like those that really get my back up and make me regret even going to school "College" for PC Technologist as since they have more "Certificates"they could get the same job and be consided for it before me.
There is so much more I could rant over but I won't... (Ala Shadetree PC experts et al.)
I have never claimed to know everthing and I never will...

Time for another beer.
Canadian... Hell Ya!!!
[This message has been edited by cbman (edited 22 April 2001).]