Can we rename the Soapbox forum to Joel's Soapbox.
Because Joel keeps deleting my messages he does not like or agree with. They are not obscene or false. My messages simply reflect an anti-US viewpoint. (I think that US policy is Bullying) Is this forum free to all discussion or only that to which Joel agrees with?
Or can we at least have a moderator who is not biased; or personally invoved in placing messages on the forum. He has too much authority and I believe he is misusing it by arbritarily deleting my messages.
regards bongo
ps...the following liink is just the latest example of Joel's censorship. He even posted a message in my name!
[This message has been edited by bongo (edited 26 April 2001).]
Because Joel keeps deleting my messages he does not like or agree with. They are not obscene or false. My messages simply reflect an anti-US viewpoint. (I think that US policy is Bullying) Is this forum free to all discussion or only that to which Joel agrees with?
Or can we at least have a moderator who is not biased; or personally invoved in placing messages on the forum. He has too much authority and I believe he is misusing it by arbritarily deleting my messages.
regards bongo
ps...the following liink is just the latest example of Joel's censorship. He even posted a message in my name!
[This message has been edited by bongo (edited 26 April 2001).]